came back

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draken, mitsuya, baji, and mikey all gathered around in y/n's hospital room. "question. why do we have to meet up in y/n's room and not baji's?" mitsuya questioned.

"because i can walk, y/n can't." baji said as if it was obvious.

y/n nodded her head in agreement. "baji and i have something to tell you." y/n took a deep breath.

draken squinted his eyes. "oh god. was this all a prank? if so, i will actually burn you two." draken crossed his arms.

baji looked at him with suspicion. "no draken no." mitsuya shook his head.

y/n tried to forget what draken said. "look, we found out why the valhalla leader wanted me to be their captain." y/n told them.

they looked intrigued. "well, one thing is that he's interested in her." baji leaned back on his chair.

mikey stopped the conversation. "wait. interested as in interested or interested as in "ooh"?" mikey asked suspiciously.

baji squinted his eyes in confusion. "the ooh type." y/n reassured him.

now, mitsuya stopped the conversation. "hold on. the ooh type as in "ooh marry me" or as in "ooh i find you interesting"?" mitsuya asked, being the one who was interested.

draken sighed at their behavior. "guys what are you doing with your life? it's clearly the ooh marry me." draken rolled his eyes.

baji threw his head back at their idiocy. "no you idiots. it's that he finds me interesting." y/n rolled her eyes at them. "besides, tetta already laid his eyes on hina."

the three looked confused. so baji closed y/n's mouth with his hands. "do you want him to kill you?" baji whispered to her, so she just shook her head.

2 months ago

"now what are you saying?" kisaki stared down the young man.

haruko suzuki, teiko's leader, who was also kisaki's equal sighed. "i'm saying y/n will be a great fit for valhalla." haruko repeated.

kisaki shook his head and leaned forward. "and what's your reason?" kisaki raised his eyebrows.

"well a good reason is y/n beat me many times before." haruko kicked rocks for fun.

kisaki put his hands in pockets. "maybe the answer for that is, your gang is too weak." kisaki had a menacing voice.

haruko laughed. "if my gang is "too weak" then your gang's as good as nothing." haruko looked at him with a teasing look.

but could kisaki argue with that? they already beat them once in a fight, teiko's as devious as ever. "you probably let your guard down." kisaki tried to excuse.

"just believe me. my father taught her." haruko looked at him deviously.

kisaki looked away in anger. "so what? your father taught me too." kisaki defended.

the valhalla members themselves were confused. why would kisaki care so much for a guy? especially haruko. he wanted to prove to him that he was better, in anything. "true, but my father treated her better than anyone else. hell, he treated her better than me. he said he saw some potential in her. my father saw some potential in her. my father." haruko taunted.

kaito suzuki wasn't really a good man. he believed in the messed up method that the best way to teach kids isnt through encouragement. but harsh words. "and what is that nonsense he calls potential?" kisaki gave in.

haruko smiled menacingly. "she has what you lack." haruko told him, and kisaki stood shocked. "you have the upper hand in impulse, she has the upper hand in.. pretty much anything else."

baji sat back on his chair. while the other three thought that was suspicious as hell. "anyways, we found out that the leader of valhalla got a recommendation from a certain someone." baji looked at y/n teasingly.

"and that is?" mitsuya asked.

y/n pursed her lips. "haruko suzuki. teiko's leader, the son of my instructor kaito suzuki. and.." y/n lowered her head down.


baji rolled his eyes. "haruko suzuki is a guy she kissed." baji continued for her.

mikey widened his eyes and gasped dramatically. "YOU KISSED THE LEADER OF THE GANG THAT STABBED ME?" mikey's jaw hung open.

y/n looked around with shame. "I kissed him like 4 years ago." y/n excused so draken glared at her. "okay, i do not kiss good people. you guys should've known that already."

mitsuya nodded his head until he realized. "but you kissed me?" mitsuya reminded her.

y/n nodded her head in agreement. "true, you got a point takashi." y/n gave in.

draken widened his eyes. most of them knew. baji was the first person to know, and mikey already knew. draken was the only one not informed. "who did what now?" draken asked just to make sure, so they all stayed quiet. "you guys have got to stop doing that."

mitsuya smiled. "let's not question y/n's terrible life choices." mitsuya told them, so y/n took offense. "what really matters is, this dumb idiot came back." he pushed baji's head away.

i just made up this chapter as i kept going, but it turned out not that bad. honestly this whole chapter was just to add more baji because let's be honest we need it.

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