feel bad

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ever since y/n unwillingly babysat atsushi (the little kid from last chapter) y/n just became his babysitter. they liked y/n and it wasn't hard to say yes. atsushi is the cutest angel. but he's energetic. "ATSUSHI PLEASE FOR MY SAKE AND YOURS, SIT DOWN." y/n shouted trying to catch her breath after chasing atsushi all over the house.

atsushi stopped and turned towards her. "you want me to sit down?" he asked her in a cute way.

y/n panted for the last time and nodded her head. "yes." y/n breathed out. atsushi went over and sat on the couch. "why couldn't you do that earlier?"

atsushi looked around. "because you never told me to sit down. i just ran around and you chased me. that was a fun game, y/n!" atsushi smiled politely.

y/n's face softened up from his cuteness. "atsushi, you're the only kid i actually like." y/n patted his head, but that soon got interrupted.

mikey walked into the room with a lollipop in his mouth. "here's the homework you asked me to get you." mikey handed her her notebook.

y/n opened it and flipped to a page. "you're kinda involved in my homework." y/n grabbed a pen, while still standing.

mikey walked over and sat next to atsushi, who was still sitting. "in my health class we have to do something called a peer review. basically we need to ask questions involving us to people we consider peers. and you fit that title." y/n began writing in her notebook.

mikey grinned stupidly. "are you saying i have an hourglass body?" mikey crossed his arms slyly.

y/n looked at him, stupid stupid him. "mikey, peer not pear." y/n said with a worried tone. "you should really go back to school."

mikey nodded his head slowly, atsushi kept glancing at the two silently. "atsushi you can open the tv if you want." y/n pointed at the remote.

his eyes glimmered in excitement. "I CAN?? Y/N YOURE THE BEST EVER." atsushi grabbed the remote excitedly and opened up the tv.

mikey and y/n both looked at eachother thinking who the hell made him that sweet. "quick question. what's a peer?" mikey asked leaning on the couch.

y/n sat on the single chair next to him. he placed his hands on his cheek, looking at her work. "a peer is a person who's your age or basically a friend." y/n still looked at the paper not moving an inch.

mikey's jaw dropped and put his hand over his heart dramatically. "did I just get friendzoned?" mikey asked her.

y/n looked up and laughed. "focus, mikey alright?" y/n told him so he nodded his head. "what do you think is my worst quality?" y/n asked him.

mikey looked around in thought like it was a test. "there are so many to choose from." mikey joked. y/n deadpanned him so he smiled at her. "i don't know. you uhh.. you space out often..?" he said still unsure of his answer.

y/n pursed her lips and clicked the top of her pen. "fair enough." y/n wrote it down. she read the next question. "what's your favorite quality of mine?"

mikey thought and then smiled. he looked back at atsushi, who was too happy at the show to even notice. he rested his chin on both of her palms and smiled. "your lips."

y/n widened her eyes as she looked at the paper. she lowered her head down more and more so that he couldn't see her blushing. "you can't just say stuff like that, mikey." y/n was so close to her paper, the words double sized.

mikey wanted to tease her more. "what? lips? lip lips lips?" mikey kept on repeating just to annoy her.

y/n picked up her light notebook and hit mikey's head with it. "shut up." she looked away, her eyes catching a certain framed picture. her smile soon faded and she looked back at her notebook. "anyways, let's uh.. continue."

y/n went out to talk to atsushi's parents. they asked  her about how his behavior was and gave her money, obviously. mikey just stayed back and waited with atsushi. he looked at the framed pictures of the stair well. commenting on them like 'y/n's so pretty!' or 'that's you and y/n!' he truly was an angel.

he stopped at a picture. he stared at the guy with black hair standing next to kid y/n and mikey. he squinted his eyes to see if he recognized him. "who is he? and why does y/n always look at the picture?"atsushi looked up at mikey.

mikey turned around to look at the picture, his face tensing up when he did. "that's my brother, shinichiro." mikey sighed at the picture.

atsushi's face turned sad when he looked at mikey's expression. "i'm really sorry if i made you sad. i didn't mean to do that." atsushi shook his head politely.

mikey looked at him and forced a smile. "don't worry about it, kid." mikey patted his head.

y/n stood there with a sad expression. "atsushi, your mom and dad are waiting for you outside." y/n told him, walking over to the two.

atsushi nodded his head and smiled. "thanks y/n for today!" he smiled as he closed the door.

mikey turned around, like y/n didnt even see any of it. "let's go back to the pear— i mean peer review." he mistook and walked down the few steps.

y/n walked over to him and hugged him. mikey was shocked at the sudden embrace. "huh? did you hit your head?" mikey asked her.

y/n just tightened her hug even more. "i'm sorry. i feel bad." y/n told him. mikey's body relaxed and looked over at her, hugging her back. "i miss him too."


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