3. Meeting Someone

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Was it a hallucination or a dream? Is this ever going to turn into reality? Let's see, what plans, does Anand's Destiny have...

He was unable to figure out the answer. But he wanted to meet that girl, who had fallen in love with him at first sight, from behind The Parijata Tree. He wondered if she was as sweet as her voice.

It was evening and the professor (Dr. Desai) was deep in conversing with his friend. Normally, no senior doctor went to the hospital in the evening, but Dr. Desai was particular about making the evening rounds, talking to patients and spending time with his visitors. And when, senior doctors like him, were so conscientious, juniors like Anand could not miss the evening rounds.

Anand was in the professor's waiting room, preparing some notes for the next day's class. Dr. Desai had told him "Anand, I am meeting my friend after a long time. If there are any visitors, tell that I am not here and deal with them yourself."

As Anand sat at his desk, he kept remembering what had happened in Dr. Desai's house, the pervious week. He was still perplexed by the incident. He had not told Vasumati (Dr. Desai's wife) about what had happened. Actually, the thing was, Vasumati and Dr. Desai had a great sense of humor. And it was quite likely, that Vasumati would embroider the whole story and perhaps even tell his mother Sunaina about it.

"A female spirit in our house is haunting Anand. Perhaps, she Is the enchantress Mohini (Female form of Lord Vishnu in Hindu Mythology...) Is this Mohini from the college campus or did he meet her somewhere else? Get him married quickly as possible!", she would say.

Anand shivered at the mere thought of putting himself in such an embarrassing situation, and felt that it would be better to remain silent about what had happened that day.

His reverie was interrupted by a sweet voice.

"Excuse me, can I meet Dr. Desai?"

Anand looked up from his notes, and was stunned to see a young girl of extra-ordinary beauty standing before him. He had met countless girls over the years, but had never seen anyone so startlingly lovely.

With her beautiful hypnotizing chocolaty-brown eyes, exquisite complexion and a face framed by long jet-black hair, she looked like an apsara! She was wearing a red color saree with a golden colored design on it along with a matching red blouse. When she smiled at Anand, deep dimples appeared on her cheeks. The expression on her face suggested that she was accustomed to such a reaction, and so she repeated her question, "Can I see Dr. Desai?"

"Umm, I am sorry, Dr. Desai's not here", Anand said, remembering his surroundings.

"But that's not true, I know he's here."

"I am sorry, you cannot see him now.

Why don't you tell me what you need?" Anand wanted her to stay here for some more time....

For a moment, she frowned. Then her brow cleared and she said, "Will you kindly tell him that Anupama has come?"
What an apt name, thought Anand. She was truly "incomparable"

"In that case, will you wait here? I'll go and tell him that there's patient waiting for him."

Anupama smiled like a Parijata Tree blossoming at the touch of a dewdrop.

"Excuse me, I am not his patient, Mr.--?

"I am Dr. Anand."

"Oh, I see. . .!"

She never got a chance to complete her sentence as Dr. Desai with another gentleman came out then. Dr. Desai looked at Anupama and exclaimed,

"Anu, how long must I wait for you? Here you are chatting pleasantly with Anand, while an old man sits waiting inside for you! I was about to leave now."

"Uncle, selling tickets is not an easy job. I had to coax and cajole people to buy them, and I've been here for a while. . . "

For a moment, Anupama was in a quandary. What was she supposed to say. . . that Anand had prevented her from going in? She quickly collected herself and said, "Let it be. Now, which ticket should I give you?"

"Oh Anu, I forgot to introduce my friend Dr. Rao. He is the principal of Arts College. You may know hi. And . . . this is Dr. Anand, one of our most brilliant doctor, who is shortly going to London for further studies. He is the one of the lucky ones who is blessed by both Goddess Saraswati and Lakshmi.
"Sir, please. . . ", Anand mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

Dr. Desai, ignored him and continued. "Anand, this is Anupama. Her father Shama Rao, and I have been good friends since school. What I can I tell you about Anupama; she is so talented. . ."

Anupama tried to stop Dr. Desai but in vain.
He continued, "Anand, you cannot imagine, how versatile our Anu is. She is a superb actress and an excellent student, always getting a top rank. She even sings Hindustani Classical Music. Which gharana, do you belong to, Anu?"
"Uncle, enough of my praises! Please buy a thousand-rupee ticked"

Dr. Desai denied and instead told her to give me 2 hundred rupee tickets. One for him and one for Dr. Rao. Anupama looked crest-fallen, the thousand-rupee tickets still in her hand. Dr. Desai signalled Anupama to give the ticket to Anand.

Anupama, was about give one more ticket to him, when Anand hesitated and said "Please, give a hundred-rupee ticket too." She had already torn off two thousand-rupee tickets from her book.

She wrote Anand's name on them and said, "Doctor, two thousand is not a lot of money for you. But, for an institution, that helps physically challenged children, it's definitely a big sum. They would be really very grateful, for your donation. This is a fund-raising program Please do not refuse to buy the tickets. Please come with your wife for the play."

Anupama talked like an experienced sales woman, and when she held out the tickets, he felt too shy to refuse her, and so accepted it.

"Hey Anu," said Dr. Desai. "Anand is still not married yet. Though, there is a big line of hopeful women in front of his house, he wants to marry someone of his choice, and who that is, nobody knows. On his behalf, I will guarantee you, that he will come."

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