Present: Concord, Massachusetts: 1869

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Concord, Massachusetts: 1869

Jo was woken by the sound of the train and shaking on her shoulder as the conductor woke her up.

The trek to her childhood home was a solemn one. Each store and alleyways were a constant reminder of her childhood days with her sisters and Teddy. Carelessly running and laughing as if the world around them didn't matter.

With a heavy heart filled with hope, Jo approached the old mailbox nailed to the tree in the woods by the pond.

Twisting the key she half-expected the mailbox to be filled with letters. But to her disappointment, it was filled with a layer of dust.

Slowly making her way to the March home Jo took a deep breath. Entering the home she grew up in.

To her confusion the atmosphere in the home was not one would expect with a March daughter who had taken a sharp turn for the worse.

Six pairs of eyes met hers.

Marmee, father and Hannah stared at her with guilty eyes.

Meg prompted her children to greet their Aunt.

Dainty footsteps ran down the stairs, "Marmee! Have you seen a stack of- Jo "

Jo knelt on the floor hugging her niece and nephew, "Beth?"

To her ultimate confusion, Beth who was supposed to be sick was as healthy as can be.

Looking towards her parents for answers, "I thought-"

Beth stepped forward, "It was my idea."

Meg gathered the children to play outside and allow the adults to talk.

Standing up Jo shook her head in confusion, "What idea?"

Marmee hugged Beth as their father herded them into the living room to have a seat.

Hannah and Meg set drinks and snacks.

Beth breathed out, "It's been almost 5 years Jo"

Jo huffed, "So you aren't sick?"

Father patted her hand to placate her anger at being lied to.

Beth mirthlessly laughed and shrugged, "No. We've managed to afford doctors' visits and medicine with the money from Andy-"

Jo moved forward-leaning her elbows to her knees, "You've heard from Andy?"

Beth looked down and shook her head, choosing to remain silent.

Marmee answered for her, "She hasn't sent any word, only envelopes with money. Mr. Laurence sends us updates every now and then."

Frustrated at the situation Jo scoffed, "So what was the plan? Fake an illness and have a family reunion?"

"Yes!" Beth, sweet quiet Beth snapped. "It has been 4 years since I've seen all my sisters! It shouldn't take someone dying for us to be together again!!"

Rebuked Jo looked down. "I wasn't me who started this fight"

Marmee shook her head, "But you are the older sister. Andy and Amy look up to you as an example"

It has been years since Jo felt this guilt. This anger at her youngest sisters.

Jo sighed with resentment, "Andy and Amy has always had the talent for getting out of the hard parts of life"

Marmee looked in disappointment, "Jo don't be angry at your sisters"

Meg met her eyes with silent understanding, that as the older sisters they had to make the responsible choices. Difficult as they may be.

Unsent Letters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/ OFC Where stories live. Discover now