Chapter 36

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May 13, 2015

Dear Journal,

Mom and Dad want to move. They hate this house. They asked me, and I said I wanted to also. But then I thought about Brad and living farther away and not seeing him as much. I think I would miss him, but I'm not sure. Some days I feel like I don't even have it in me to miss anyone other than Hannah. Losing her is like losing parts of me. I feel like so much of me is gone now that I'm not even the same person.

When I'm around Brad, it almost doesn't hurt as much. It almost isn't unbearable. It's almost as if I might actually get through this. But it shouldn't be that way. I shouldn't be focused on spring and the birds and flowers and sunshine and all of the bright things in the world that are everywhere. I see all of those things in Brad. But I shouldn't. I should be as miserable and as dead as she is. It's what I deserve. I don't deserve to be spared from pain. I should hurt like Hannah.

I should drown in darkness.

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