Chapter 2

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In all honesty, Cale was tempted to smack himself in the head for not noticing anything earlier.

No, in truth, he want to bang his head in a concrete wall for overlooking at the fact that this Choi Han was not the one he knew.

'Cale.' An unfamiliar voice called inside his head aside from his ancient powers, and oh boy he is finally going insane was what he thought.

'You're not going's me, God of Death.'

Cale started to laugh mockingly, startling the people inside his room, even the Choi Han who was currently carrying him stared.

"Why the fuck am I still surprised that this whole fiasco was made by you you motherfucking God of Death." Cale could hear a wince in his head.

The other Choi Han that was at the entrance together with Raon and a newly arrived smiling Ron practically made the room's temperature drop. He was seething in anger, because who the fuck dares carry his Cale-nim other than him?

"Whoever you are, please let go of human before I throw you of the window!" Raon announced.

The Choi Han who was carrying a Cale having a migraine just tilted his head in mock.

"Choi Han! Grandpa Ron! Let's fuck him up!"

"As you wish Raon-nim." Ron said before the three of them marched towards him.

"Okay stop! Do not! For the love of God, do not destroy this house!" Cale screeched, jumping out of the arms of Original Choi Han. The three also stopped in their tracks as the redhead placed himself between them and the other Choi Han.

"Let's all talk this out! There's no need for violence." Cale tried to reason, but Ron's gaze just became sharper making him shudder.

"Then, I will prepare some tea Young Master-nim." The old man said before smiling benignly at the man beside Cale.

'Do anything funny and I will slit your throat.' The Choi Han beside Cale interpreted by the look Ron had gave him before leaving the room full with tension.

Cale was suddenly in the mood to kill a God, especially that motherfucking God of Death who seems to have joy in messing with his peaceful slacker life.

The redhead groaned in frustration, his headache becoming more and more severe by thinking how he would deal with this.

"First things first! Choi Han this is Choi Han and Raon. Raon and Choi Han, this is Choi Han..." Cale internally facepalmed to himself for saying Choi Han four times in a single sentence.

"This Choi Han here, is from another world...different from ours." Cale explained as the three listened to what he is saying after the God informed him of his mistake.

"So the motherfucking God of Death is the one behind all of this? Human! Let's fuck him up!"

Cale's head repulsed at the profanities. As much as he want to, he still need that God to tell him how to sent the other Choi Han back to his original world.

"So he and me...are the same?" Cale's original lover, Choi Han asked in which earned a nod from the redhead.

They heard a tongue clicking as they can see the other Choi Han scowling in rage...and envy?

The next thing Cale knew, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist as he yelped in shock. The original Choi Han dragged him away from the two, the grip in his wrist tigthening every moment passes by.

"Other Choi Han! What are you doing?! You're hurting human!"

The Choi Han behind Cale didn't answer, and the redhead can see his lover gritting his teeth in annoyance as he readied his sword to stab the other him.

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