Chapter 6

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Choi Ahn wiped his tears when he felt his other self coming towards to where he is.

Choi Han laid beside him as they both stared at the stars in the night sky. No one talked between them until Choi Ahn that is.

"Why do you like Cale Henituse, or Kim Rok Soo in sense?" He nonchalantly asked since he didn't know what to do to make his total opposite of self talk.

He hated silence, since it only makes him think more that he's alone.

"Do i need a reason to like him?" Choi Ahn didn't know what to say.

"I don't know, tell me about it. You're the one who didn't despaired."

Choi Han was silent for a while.

"Cale-nim gave me a home and a new family. He taught me how to protect even when he found out I can kill."

Choi Ahn hummed, a sign that he is listening.

"He took me in when I was finding my way to talk to the CountㅡDuke, to bury the massacred people in Harris Village."

"Then along the way, he saved many people even though he said he want to be a rich slacker with no problems. Ironic because when he see other people suffering, he'd be annoyed at first before stepping in to help them...even to the point that he would cough up tons of blood."

"He what?!"

"Haaahh, I know but that's just who he is. He even says he's fine after making other people get scared the shit out of them." Choi Ahn chuckled at his other self's way of cursing.

"But thankfully, we're all living peacefully now."

Choi Ahn hummed again, agreeing to his statement. He's happy atleast that in this world, he is living a wonderful life.

"You said that you found out he was Kim Rok Soo when Jung Soo gave you his memories don't you? How does he look like?" Choi Ahn couldn't help but ask since he's curious.

"He's just like us. Korean, black hair...and full of scars." Choi Han said in a melancholic tone.

"Scars from all the fight he had experienced back then in Earth. The abuse, bullying, and fighting monsters...I hated when all I could do back then was to only watch him suffer even though Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk was there."

Choi Ahn frowned.

"I admire him."

"I do too. Despite everything that happened to him, he still remained strong-willed unlike meㅡ"

"Us...because I almost lost myself back then too."

Choi Ahn sighed before placing his hand at the back of his head to a makeshift pillow.

"Speaking of Cale, he reminds me of that kid I met back then. I don't know if you have that past too but, that kid was sure as hell so feisty."


Choi Ahn looked at him weirdly.

"I'm sorry...its just that...hahaha...I told you that Jung Soo gave me his memories right?"


"One of the scenes in there was us buying a cake for father. Remember that time when Jung Soo was verbally harassed? The kid you're saying who is feisty and protected our nephew, that was Kim Rok Soo."

Choi Ahn choked on his own saliva.

It's Choi Ahn's turn to laugh. He felt like he's inside one of those cliché romance novels when he learned about the kid he's thankful for was Kim Rok Soo. Was it fate? Damn right it is as he looked at his other self with contentment.

"Hey Choi Han." He called after a moment of silence.

The latter hummed as he glanced at his other self.

"...What should I do...? I think...I like your Cale Henituse."

Choi Han didn't answer.

"Butㅡbut!" Choi Ahn immediately spoke, thinking it would be too troublesome if his other self would beat him right there, "I'll back off."

"What?" Choi Han was caught off guard.

He chuckled first, "I don't want to complicate things since I will not remain here any longer. I just wanted you to know that I like him but I'll back off. I don't want to ruin my other self's life because of my selfishness."

"Uhmm...I was just going to say that it's about time you start to fall for Cale-nim but never mind then."

"What now? You're willing to give me your Cale-nim?"

"Of course not?! I was gonna suggest that if all these things end with White Star, you should go woo Kim Rok Soo in Earth 2 once you go back."

Choi Ahn's eyes dilated as his mind buffered for several seconds.

He laughed loudly, enough for him to make his eyes well with happy tears and clutched his stomach.

Choi Ahn could see a smile forming in his other self's lips as his own laugh subsided.

It was silent once again but this time, he welcomed it as he can feel the presence of Choi Han who is laying beside him.

Even for a short time, he's not lonely again.

Choi Han started humming a tune out of nowhere.

And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime

Choi Ahn closed his eyes as he listened to him sing before deciding to continue it.

And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine

Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine

Cale smiled subtly at himself as he can hear the two singing.

And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile

The redhead had heard it all. And he's sure that when Choi Ahn leaves to Earth and court his other self, it wouldn't be long enough before he accepts.

Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time

"Choi Han, let's live happily."

"Mn. I plan to live just like that, because living is the best."


"What's wrong Choi Han?" Cale asked, his eyes not leaving the book he's currently reading while he's lover snuggled only closer to his neck.

"I'm glad that I met you, Cale-nim. I don't know what to do if I didn't." The raven uttered which only received a soothing head pat in return.

"I was scared...when I met my other self despairing" Choi Han let out a whimper, "Many possibilities ran in my mind all day, what if Cale-nim didn't helped me back then, what if Cale-nim left meㅡ"

"I need you to stop right there Choi Han." The redhead suddenly closed the book with a thump before looking at the latter's glistening eyes.

"Those are only what ifs. And besides, I'm here aren't I? What's important is the present and not the past Choi Han."

"What about the future Cale-nim?"

The redhead scoffed firstly, "Isn't that obvious? I plan to slack off for the rest of my life with you. Now go to sleep or I'll kick you in Choi Ahn's room."

Choi Han finally mustered a smile, since it was somehow idiotic of him to think those kind of thoughts.

"Please don't. I sent the children there to accompany him Cale-nim. He won't be disturbing us while we sleep." Choi Han purred, much to Cale's flustered face.


Ermm I will try to update daily but no promises since I'm getting ready for our thesis defense ಥ_ಥ

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