Extra 2 || Crown Of Crocuses

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(A/n: Drawn by yours truly💃)

Both Choi Han giggled at the sight of the sleeping redhead under the shade of a random tree. The three children had place a crown of various flower atop of the sleeping Cale.

"Camellias look good in Cale nya!"

"Peonies too nya!"

"The blue anemones look good too!"




"Everything looks good on human!"

Cale's lover nodded at that statement.

"...hmm...so noisy..." The redhead started to stir awake from his sleep.

Since their father figure will wake up, why not fasten the process? Raon, On and Hong jumped lightly at his abdomen waking Cale with a sharp jolt.

'Vicious children.'

What's light for the children is already heavy in terms of Cale's endurance in body.

"What are you five doing now?" Cale asked, including the two Choi Hans in the question.

'Is that a damn recording device?' The redhead asked himself as he looked at the thing in Raon's paws. And it is most likely what it is as Cale furrowed his eyebrows.

"Looking at you human! What else?"

However, those looks directed at Cale gave him uneasiness. So he touched literally anywhere in his hair bedore feeling soft petal flowers decorating his head.

The redhead removed the crown, earning sad expressions from the five. The four looked like kicked puppies in the streets while Choi Ahn looks like he is currently having LBM.

Cale snorted to mask the bubbling laughter rising from his throat.

The redhead wore the crown again, making the five look delighted. Then he removed again, turning them back to their previous sad faces. Then wore it again, then removed it again as Cale repeated this many times making him intrigued.

At last, Cale finally wore the flower crown properly and Raon was close to smacking his head from watching them with amused expressions.

"Are there any crocuses?" Cale asked as he scanned the field of flower just close below the hill where the random tree is.

"We don't know that flower human! Take a look for yourself so you could atleast exercise!" The redhead had a disgruntled expression at that as Choi Ahn snorted before running away from the glaring Cale.

Choi Han reached out a hand for his lover to take, Cale grasped his hand and stood up before dusting the imaginary mess in his lap.

The two Choi Han followed suit behind the redhead as the children giggled beside Cale's shoulders.

Cale slumped at the various colors of the flowers in the field. His hand reached out to some familiar flowers and plucked it with its stem. Cale weaved the flowers together as the children also made another batch of flower crowns with him.

The redhead scanned the newly made ornament in his hands, feeling contented at the chosen hues of different crocuses.

"Choi Han, Choi Ahn." Cale called as he looked at them with a warm look.

Both raven found Cale ethereal under the skies of the spring season. The way the red locks sway together with the calm breeze and grass blades only added to Cale's divine look.

The redhead looked like an angel who had descended, if not for the face he was making towards them.

Cale has his usual smile, as they could all hear Raon asking him if he was scamming someone.

"Three rounds of Rock, Paper and Scissors. Whoever wins will have this." Cale announced as he presented the crown he made as it was the grand prize for their little competition.

Both became competitive, even going to such lengths to act dramatic like they will do kamehame wave to entertain Cale and the children who were cheering for them.

It was now time for the third round, both have one point each as they looked more serious than ever. The children pumped up the tense atmosphere, as Cale only looked with a wicked smile.

It doesn't really matter who won, since it was just a flower crown as Cale can make another one on a whim.

Choi Han then hugged his knees and sulked, his back facing the sighing redhead and cackling children together with his other self.

Choi Ahn had won the game, while Choi Han kept looking at his hand coiled in a fist as he lamented at the fact he used a rock and his other self used paper.

The winner kept giggling as he lowered his head for Cale to place the flower crown.

"Do you even know what is the meaning of the crocus flower?" Cale curiously asked the raven in front of him.

"No. But I can always know it later. Now put it on my head." The redhead raised an eyebrow at the demand but followed nonetheless.

Choi Ahn had his eyes closed as he could smell the scent of the flower wafting around his face. There was a small, upward tug on his lips as he bathed in this warm atmosphere.

He would definitely etch this memory hard in his mind as he will recall this scene every time he wanted.

Choi Han kept sulking, so Cale patted his shoulder to get his attention. His lover looked at him as Cale contemplated whether he should do the act or not.

"Ehem...I also have something...for you..."

Cale reached something in the pocket of his trousers as Choi Han looked in expectation. The children could see their father figure getting flustered every second passes by as their tails wagged in the same manner and timing.

Choi Ahn also looked as he discreetly flaunted the crown in his head to his other self who was close at scowling at him.

Cale was finally finished fishing something out of his pocket. Choi Han perked up as he waited for the something his lover was saying.

The redhead covered his eyes in embarrassment as he sent a finger heart at Choi Han's way.





They were all silent for a while before it got broken by Choi Han's constant screeching as he rolled on the ground like a lovesick teenager who got confessed to by their crush.

It was a hilarious sight as the children have a disgusted expression together with their self proclaimed Uncle Choi Ahn.

"In this silence Baby, let me in~~"

Choi Ahn then sharply inhaled as he screamed the next words.


(A/n: whoever got this pun, I love you.)

Choi Ahn kept singing a song to wherever the fuck he heard that as he almost literally stabbed his own eyes and ears in cringe from the two.


Choi Ahn's fingers ghosted around the title of the books as he searches for a specific paper.

He pulled out the book as he searched for a certain page before stopping and read the contents. A small and fond smile decorating his lips.

Crocus - a flower symbolizing hope after a long time of darkness.

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