Chapter 11

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"Hey Cale. Do you want to know a secret?" Choi Ahn asked the redhead who was reading.

"No." The latter nonchalantly said.

But Choi Ahn acted like he didn't hear him and proceeded to tell his secret.

"Raon told me that the White Star in this world was also looking for an Earth Ancient Power." Cale decided to indulge the raven to his talking without looking at him.

Cale hummed, flipping the page.

"It's the same as the White Star back in my world."


Choi Ahn chuckled as he grabbed a cookie to eat.

"Jokes on the White Star I know. I have both ancient power."

Cale almost spluttered the lemon tea Ron had served earlier.


"Crazy right?"

"Yeah I mean, I'm amazed that you're not dead yet considering the two inside of you are once enemies."

Choi Ahn acted again like he didn't heard it, since what he said is not far from the truth.

"I accidentally stumbled at a giant red snake, then I didn't know it contains an ancient power yet I seldomly use it."

Choi Ahn was talking about the Blood-drenched Rock, he figures.

"Then I got Super Rock when Lock died in my world." The raven uttered, earning nothing but silence as Cale only listened.

Choi Ahn looked at the ceiling in melancholy.

"Then it's a good thing you managed to tame them." Cale assumed before reading his book again like the swordsman never said his secret to the redhead.

"It was just a temporary truce, Cale."


Choi Ahn spluttered a ton of blood as they all managed to teleport the White Star in the black castle.

Yet it came with a price.

Raon laid motionless in the cold floor of his very own castle. Choi Han kept shuddering at the sight of the black dragon bleeding.

"Rosalyn!" He shouted in alarm.

"I got Raon-nim! Focus on the White Star!"

And that's what they did. Choi Han activated his Sword of Disasters while Choi Ahn supported him with both of his Earth Ancient Power.

His plate was unbalanced, and in verge of breaking as he coughed out a ton of blood again.

'Choi Han stop overusing us.' Super Rock stated, his voice laced with worry.

"No." He uttered as he blocked the incoming attack to his other self and backed off after.

The rocks Choi Ahn is using is coated with his own blood making it more powerful, as what the other ancient power to him informed.

He cursed to himself when the White Star managed to defend his attack by his Wall of Water. Choi Ahn supported himself with his own sword stabbed on the floor, the adrenaline is slowly going off as he can feel the pain all over his body.

The White Star managed to land a blow to him, dealing with many burns and bleeding arms and abdomen alike.


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