Chapter 7

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"I have a plan." Choi Ahn suddenly declared in front of the listless Cale.

"Let's hear it then." The redhead said before eating a grape.

"We should ask Rosalyn or Old Man Eruhaben to make some cuffs that can suppress enough strength, powers, mana or aura so when that White Shit possess me, you can easily stab me with the branch without a hitch."

"That is a good idea but sadly, but ancient powers cannot be suppressed unless you are a God."

"Then cuffs that can bind my limbs and pin me to the wall hardcore. Then inject me some paralysis poison or something."

To be honest, that sounded so wrong to Cale's perspective and morale.

"Cuffs? I didn't know you were into bondage and such." Cale joked with a stoic face(thought there's a small smirk gracing his lips), making Choi Ahn blush profusely for the first time ever since he arrived in their world. He shook his head then threw a teasing remark in return since he won't back down without a fight.

"What? You have a restraint kink? I should tell my other self thenㅡ"

"Okay stop right there. Seriously, I'm just joking for fuck's sake. And stop tainting him with your suggestions." Choi Ahn scoffed before snorting.

"Uhmm...I'm not tainting him? I am him and he is me as simple as that. We already know about those things like BDSMㅡ"


Ahh...both had forgotten about Alberu(who is currently in his dark elf form) lounging in Cale's room.

However, Choi Ahn could see Cale's ears full blown red the more he looked into it despite being covered by his red hair. He grinned in triumph as he made sure to tell Choi Han about it.

"Anyways, you need to know one thing about how White Star died. His soul ceased to exist and his body crumbled into dust." Alberu stated, a serious expression in his face.

Choi Ahn's eyes turned grim.

"And now that another him will be possessing your body in two days, we can't guarantee your state after that...Choi Han-nim." The King ended, Cale frowning to himself at the thought of a familiar face turning to a literal sandman.

It's unfair, but when was the last time he received such fairness and all? He couldn't quite remember as Choi Ahn laughed to himself boisterous.

But at this time, he won't let literal Gods or fate whatnot to have their way. If there's one thing he learned after suddenly getting transferred here, that is it is okay for him to be selfish even for once.

He deserved it, Cale Henituseㅡno, Kim Rok Soo had said it to him then.

And that is exactly what he's going to do, God of Death or shit be damned if he don't.

"I won't die. I plan to live, and a peaceful one at that." Choi Ahn stated like a common sense and Cale snorted because he reminded him of himself back then.

'He's a protagonist for a reason' Cale had thought before smiling to himself, the one where Raon would ask if he's scamming anyone again.

"It's settled then. We'll go with your suggestion and ask Eruhaben-nim or Rosalyn-nim to make some cuffs and paralysis poison, since we can't ask Hong for that one."


"You're leaving me? Alone~? In the dark?" Choi Ahn whined as he portrayed that one voice line in a cartoon back in Earth.

Choi Han didn't know if he should be jealous because his other self can act without a hitch or be ashamed since he's seeing his own face act like a whiny brat.

He's not like that.



Okay maybe yesㅡbut only to his Cale-nim okay? Don't judge him.

Choi Ahn continued to whine, only receiving a deadpanned stare in return from the redhead.

'I feel like I'm raising another kid' Cale sighed, exasperated before patting Choi Ahn's hair in attempt to calm him down.

Key word: attempt.

Much to the redhead's confusion, the raven became more chaotic like he just drank a mug of coffee made from pure coffee beans.

"Stop whining already. I'll only take Raon with me since it's just a quick visit." Cale sighed, exasperated.

The redhead is currently getting ready to go to the World Tree and get the branch needed for their plan.


Before Choi Ahn could latch(jump) more tightly to Cale, Choi Han had already pulled his ear making him screech in pain.


"Cale-nim gave us money earlier and gave me permission to take you out."

Choi Ahn misunderstood.

" that a threat?"

"It depends on you."

Before Cale could hear their bantering, he already instructed Raon to teleport the two away to the capital leaving the two raven to themselves.

"Come on Raon. Since we'll need to be back before dinner."

"Sure human!"

He just hopes that the Roan capital would be safe enough even in the middle of a festival with the two swordsman.

For The Despaired Who Met Himself Brimming With Happiness Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang