Helping a hero. (MHAx DC Flash Reader One shot)

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During the fight between All For one and All Might.
We were looking at the screen horrified, at the scene it was displaying. The man who was fighting All Might had multiple quirks. He keeps using that air move. The area had been completely destroyed, fallen building around a level ground. He could even make a stronger blast. And those blasts are picking up, and pushing huge chunks of debris.

I thought back to I-Island talking to a scientist. "If you move fast enough back and fourth, you could make a wall of air." "But if you are moving in a circle, it would take two speedsters going opposite directions to make a wall." I then thought back to a talk with another scientist. "When you are going as fast as you are, you could possibly go back in time. And with time travel, comes time Remnants." "If you went back by seconds, and grabbed another you, that would be your time remnant." "Well, either they go back, or they die."

I continued to look at the screen. At a weak all Might. Standing there, as thin as a pencil. He can't die. He cant. There no way I am going to let that happen.

Y/N's eyes were furious. He turned, and got into a position. His eyes flickered with lighting. He took a deep breathe, and ran forward with blue lighting trailing. "Y/N!" Deku yelled. Y/N ran to the fight, while everyone around him stood still. His heart races, his chest felt light. His eyes were filled with determination. He turned and phases through a building. He saw many people trapped. He quickly looked around, and saw an opening. He grabbed one person at a time, and took them out to the emergency aid.

Everyone saw a flash of light, and at one moment where trapped praying that they'll live. The next there outside by the medics. Then the light went back into the building. Y/N phased through the building and got on the other side and saw the fight. He saw the man in the sky, floating with one arm looking like it was mad with the hands of the devil. All Might arm was big and with sparks of energy coming off it. That's going to be a lot of air. Y/N ran in. He ran around the battle feild clockwise. "Young Y/N!" All Might. Exclaimed. "What ever you are trying to do it's not going to work." The floating man said. Y/N picked up the speed, and the load crack was heard. "He, broke the sound barrier.." All Might said. "No matter. I'll kill this child along with you, All Might." The man said and charged towards All Might.

A bright light was seen and then there was two streaks. On going clockwise, the other counter. The two Y/N's picked up speed. The fight in front of them continued to slow, until it was almost motionless. The Air between the two speedsters was stirring. The opposite wind directions, we're merely sliding past each other. Causing the ground and dust in between to act weirdly. Not all one vortex, but not all separate ones in the space between. The two speeders got closer causing the wind to clash. It push against each other, trying to dominate each other. Until the only way it could go, was up.

The floating man's giant arm hit all Mights arm, and then there was a huge gush of air. The air exploded outwards, until it hit the wall. The wall of air send to bend outward, then spring back lushing the air back towards the middle. Hitting the floating man. "Gaaahh!" He exclaimed and All Might looked around at the Two Y/Ns. A wall of air. All Might then moved to Attack the man, charging up his right arm again.

The people looked at the screen at the site. Two lines of blue light circling the battle field, and All Might going in for the final hit. "Go All Might!" They all Yelled. All Might fist hit the man's face. United States of Smash!!!

All Might punches his face into the ground causing a huge vortex of air that clashes with the wall. The wall kept the surrounding buildings from being destroyed. An old man in yellow looked on in shock.

I continued to run, the other me running past me. He came up in front of me. I saw his face. He gave off a small smile, and a nodded. He then looked at a piece of debris. He slowed, the debris coming towards him. I looked on, in horror, knowing that I could save him, me. But..... there can't be two mes in the same time. He stopped, and the debris hit him crushing him instantly. I was the Remnant. That, that was the me that went back by seconds to get the me now.

The wind began to stop, all Might stood on top of the floating man. I stopped, and looked. All Might was bleeding, his right arm shattered. He slowly lifted his arm in victory. He buffed it up. "All Might wins!" I heard the news reporter say. I could hear the cheer of the crowd. All Might buffed up all the way.

The sun was coming up. Hero's where everywhere looking for survivors. I was sitting down on the side. "Two people. Below the rubble." The hero with snakes on her head said. "The heroes began rescue operations during All Might fight, But the scope of the damage is staggering. Authorities are estimating a large number of casualties. The villain who caused this is-oh! There! He's being led into the maiden right now! Mean while All Might and other heroes remain on high alert!" All Might coughed and pointed at the camera.

"Y/N seems to be fine. I hope we could find todoroki and Yoayorozu." Iida said. "Let's just head that way. We should let the heroes know we got Bakugou in case there looking for him." Kirishima said. Midoriya walked with them, and looked back at the screen. "Now...." He gasped. "Now, it's your turn." All Night said.

I looked at All Might. Everyone was cheering for him, but I couldn't. It doesn't look like he's gonna be able to go on. And I..... I just watched myself get crushed by falling debris. How can I be cheering? The world seemed to silence. The Symbol of peace is gone, the other me dying, me asking if it was worth it. It seemed to drown out the world.

"Young L/N." I looked up to All Might. "A-All Might." I looked at him. "Thanks." He said. My eyes widened. "I saw what happened. The other you was crushed." He said. I looked over. "Was it worth it? I'm not sure anymore." I said. "What you did, what the right thing." I looked up. "You did everything you could. You stopped possible countless casualties. You kept the outside area from receiving any other damage. You put your life on the line. You died, so that the people around here could live on. You died, so YOU, you live another day. You saved not only everybody, but yourself." He said. My eyes began to water. "Thanks All Might." I said. He smiled.

We began to walk away. "Oh, the streak!" The news reporter said. "Authorities say, that if the streak hadn't come in, the damage around would be much worse. Tell us what exactly did you do? And wasn't there two streaks?" She asked. "That will be en-" All Might started. "My name is Y/N, L/N. My quirk is speedforce. By running in both directions I was able to make a wall of air that stopped the blasts from damaging anything else." I said. "How did you run in both directions?" I glanced over to the debris. "I made a time Remnant. By going back in time by seconds, I was able to make two of me in the space." I said. "Where is this other you?" She asked. "I think that enou-" All Might started. "I sacrificed myself for myself. While also saving everyone around me." The reporters face became shocked. "That will be all." I said, and ran away.

(Was this good? I hope so. I got the inspiration for this just by listening to "Into the speed force." The soundtrack for the flashes scene in the Snyder cut. If you haven't watched it, please do so. It's such a good movie. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll be making some random things like this every so often. See ya)

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