Nine realms, but better

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After all of the dragons retreated to the hidden world, human society progressed. Time passed. And 1022 years later. With oceans changing and tectonic plates moving. The caldera opening of the hidden world was smaller. And now became an island.

A Nordic millionaire bought the island and all of the surrounding water 2 nautical miles away from the island. He's a very respected man. One who's family goes back have lived in this region for nearly 1100 years.

He's the head of multi-company organization. One company is dedicated to finding new cleaner ways of energy. One is dedicated to stopping pollution in his region and keeping the wildlife and sea life alive and study them. One is a non profit company that sends all of the money that comes in from the community to Food shelters and homeless shelters. One is a private security sector. While it would think it would be bad, most of the employees are volunteers and the money that would go to them goes to the community.

This man is an older gentleman. Who had a grandson. His grandson moved in with him after his parents were in a tragic accident. A boat accident.

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