🍁 A Thank You to Our Judges 🍁

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All judges listed below have worked hard to judge this season's book, and we're very grateful for all the help! Scores will be revealed later today.

Poetry: NoushWrites_dazzling_pandaprincessiyanne21 

Short Story: dazzling_pandaprincessiyanne21its_IExist 

General Fiction: princessiyanne21ThoseThreeWords 

Mystery/Thriller/Horror: grandma_dumplingNikachu22 

Fanfiction: youngivory06Nikachu22 

Romance: NoushWrites_princessiyanne21 

Fantasy: morsmortalisSkiesOnFireRangerGilanofWhitby 

Young Adult/Teen Fiction: Ooonaidazzling_pandagrandma_dumpling 

And now, very special thank you to 5 specific judges for their help:

princessiyanne21, for being a huge help this season. Somehow, and we're still not sure how, she managed to judge 20 books— and all on time— in just one month. We're very, very grateful to her for her hard work this season, hence this unexpected shoutout!

grandma_dumpling and dazzling_panda, our two emergency judges, for judging some books last minute. After we had some problems arise this season, both of them took up judging a few books each. Thank you for agreeing to judge some extra books!

Nikachu22, one of our permanent judges, for asking whether we needed some help with judging some books last minute without us even mentioning it (we don't ask that of our judges as they may feel pressured to say yes). She took up judging 3 books in only a few days, and we're grateful for the help!

ThoseThreeWords, for her detailed feedback on all the books she was assigned. We observed all the comments left by our judges this season, and hers stood out among the rest. It's obvious she read each book carefully and took time out of her day to write lengthy and constructive comments. The authors whose books she judged are all very lucky indeed!

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