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The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth Chapter 20: End of the world eleven

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After the convoy stopped in the open space in front of the base, the military trucks loaded with various materials entered the base from another special entrance, and the survivors had to line up to enter the base and register their personal information by the way.

At this time, a soldier once again explained the situation with a loudspeaker. In order to prevent any survivors from carrying zombie viruses, they must stay in the isolation room for one night after inspection before they can truly become bases tomorrow. After becoming a person in the base, you can receive the food provided by the base to the survivors.

This move is naturally unsatisfactory. I originally thought that coming to a safe base in such a cold weather and through many difficulties would have spring-like care, but I didn't expect it to be ruthless like winter. However, after facing the armed forces of the army, Yu finally accepted this arrangement.

The car they brought could not be driven into the base, but could only be placed at the door of the base, and the luggage in the car could be taken out and brought into the base. Fortunately, the base did not take away anything other than a third of the food, which was somewhat comforting.

Lou Ling and others observed the base and found that a tall fence made of steel and cement was built outside the base, about five meters high. There were also energized barbed wire fences on the fence. Cameras were installed at regular intervals. The safety is temporarily unavailable. problem.

The speed of queuing to register is very fast, and they will soon reach the age of the building. The age of the building looked at the building, and the staff sent them a very simple form with only a few lines of name, gender, and ability. The end of the world, no one cares about your birthplace and so on, but it is very simple, no wonder the speed So fast. The building age fills in the name and gender, and the ability line directly fills in ordinary people. In the line of ability, Loudian simply filled the space ability, and the others filled in the ability without much thought.

As soon as the worker at the door saw the person with the ability, he said: "The person with the ability is separated from ordinary people. You can come here. If you have family members, you can also bring family members." The last item is to see. It was added when Lou Ling and Huang Zhiling and Chen Jialuo were three ordinary people.

Everyone naturally had no intentions, and then handed in the food. The food in the space was naturally immovable, so the food in the car was handed over. The worker didn't say anything, probably because he felt that there was not much room for the supernaturalists in the early stage, and they couldn't hold much food, or it was also the reason why the base wanted to build a good relationship with the supernaturalists.

Then everyone followed a staff member of the base to a row of houses not far from the entrance of the base. Soldiers in military coats were guarding in front of the house. If there was anything inside, they could respond in time.

The staff first took them to a larger house for inspection. The men and women were separated, and several medical staff checked whether there were zombie scratches on their bodies. Although these people were escorted by the army, they had to go through a procedure. Lou Ling and the others are naturally women who check here, but the weather is cold, and it is a bit tossing to take off their clothes until only one underwear is left. But to stay at the base, you must accept this kind of thing, so even though some people yelled for a while, they finally accepted it.

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