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The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth Chapter 129: Ending 15

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From the eastern region to the northwest, if it took a train before the end of the world, it would only take about three days, but now it takes more than three days for the entire base to migrate.

According to the estimated time taken by Loudian and Lei Hongming, it is one month. Of course, this includes all kinds of accidents such as damaged roads, mountains and ridges, various natural disasters, and so on. One month is indeed a little shorter. This is a matter of migrating the entire base, and the speed is estimated to be Lots of delays.

Sure enough, on the third day of the start, the road they took was less than a thousand kilometers.

Lei Hongming frowned and looked at the map. They are about to cross several provinces, and two of them are large provinces where ordinary humans gather. There are relatively many zombies, especially when passing through those first- and second-tier cities, which is also a trouble. . This route was drawn up by Lou Dian, Lei Hongming did not doubt the route set by Lou Dian, but habitually considered it fundamentally.

Lei Xianyun came over with a bowl of noodles and put it in front of him. Seeing him staring at the map, he knew that the officer was beginning to worry about the country and the people again, and said: "Sir, the night watchman has been arranged, you eat first Something. The marshal and madam have already rested, and they told you to rest early when you stay."

Lei Hongming rubbed his eyebrows. In the past three days, he slept very little. I'm afraid he won't have a good night's sleep before arriving at the Northwest Base. As usual, all the survivors were asked about the situation, as well as those old and weak, women and children. As long as they did not encounter a severe wave of zombies and other disasters, there would naturally be no casualties.

In the fourth year of the last days, the weak have already been eliminated. The remaining humans, even ordinary people, have good physical fitness and can adapt to harsh climates. As long as no accidents occur, humans can continue to survive tenaciously. Therefore, all the people from the entire base who were willing to go to the northwest base during this migration took care of them, regardless of whether they were old or weak. Of course, let them choose to go to other bases if they don't want to, and don't force them. Unexpectedly, all ordinary people trusted Lei Hongming, except for some supernaturalists who chose other bases, and no one left.

Lei Hongming moved in his heart and asked, "Where do they live, Mr. Lou, tonight?"

"In the outermost house of the village." Lei Xianyun said with a smile, with admiration in his eyes.

Lei Hongming nodded, not surprising. From the beginning, during the rest time, the building did not want to squeeze in with other survivors. Instead, he stayed away from the crowd and lived in the outermost area. Zombies or mutant beasts attacked, and they were the first group to be attacked. Even those with supernatural powers rarely want to live in such a remote place and feel insecure. Therefore, Loudian’s move was regarded by everyone as a kind deed. His ability level was the highest, and it was the most suitable to live on the periphery. He didn't mean to treat other people as cannon fodder.

In fact, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding. Loudian has a strong desire for monopoly, and has never been gregarious, far away from crowded people, it is the most suitable. As for the danger on the road, he hasn't paid attention to it yet.

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