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Home » The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth AFIAR » Chapter 59: Doomsday mission eight

The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth Chapter 59: Doomsday mission eight

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"Qin Peng, what the **** are you doing?!"

A roar rang out, strictly holding on to the building exhibition where he was shot in the calf, and looking at Qin Peng with a look of disbelief. He didn't expect that at this time, this **** thing dared to launch the gun to the building, but he greatly Underestimated the despicable degree of this person.

Qin Peng's handsome face was still cynical, and he said: "I'm really sorry, this is an accident, it may be too dark, accidentally hit the building exhibition."

Strictly angry, he directly pulled out the gun, pointed it at him, and shot it straight away, but it was a pity that Qin Peng quickly avoided it, relying on the decorations next to him. At this time, Qin Zhen also shot at the same time, and his muzzle was directly at the exhibition hall, stopping his movements.

"Stop! Mr. Yan, this is not the time for internal fighting!" Qin Zhen pointed his gun to Lou Zhan's head, indicating that if he dared to hurt Qin Peng, his gun would also be aimed at Lou Zhan's head.

Strictly smiled coldly and said: "How could it be infighting? This is just an accident, and I am not careful." After all, he put the gun away, but looked at Qin Peng with extremely cold eyes.

Qin Zhen's forehead blue veins jumped slightly, and he put away his gun.

Lou Zhan's face was a little pale, but he was a supernatural person, with better physical fitness. Without anesthetic, he dug out the bullet with a knife by himself, and then directly tore his clothes and tied the wound to prevent it from bleeding again. Lou Zhan's expression was extremely cold, and he didn't yell angrily because of the injury, but the look in Qin Peng's eyes was equally unkind.

At this time, everyone heard the screaming outside the door again. The steel door was being corroded by the poison of the mutant spider. It won't take long for this door to be useless.

Among the people who had fled before, only a few of them escaped safely. The others were killed by the mutant spider, and their brains and internal organs were eaten. Seeing this scene, they felt cold in their hearts, until they fled here, with no way to escape, they could only take refuge here. And when he was about to flee here earlier, Lou Zhan was suddenly hit by a stray bullet. Although Qin Peng said it was an accident, an idiot would believe his statement. With a gun for a lifetime, he could hit the target with his eyes closed. The reason is true. People want to smoke him.

Several people looked at the door with bated breath, all frowning in silence, even thinking, maybe they are going to confess here today. This room is obviously a utility room, except for the narrow vent, there is no other way out, and behind the only door, there is a mutant spider that cannibals guards.

I don't know if I can leave this kind of place safely, but Qin Peng is here now to make such a show, even wanting to stop their life, how to prevent strict angry, and almost kill him with hatred.

As the door vibrated more and more, the four of them couldn't help backing back, watching the instruments that were piled up by them to block the door also vibrating, as if they might be knocked open by the wide open door at any time.

Soon, the door was corroded into a hole as big as a bowl. When the hole got bigger and bigger, spider silk spread in, and the instruments behind the door vibrated more and more severely until the door was corroded, like broken copper. Rotten iron generally fell at the door, those instruments were also pushed away, and a huge spider appeared.

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