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The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth Chapter 120: Ending Six

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On the second day, they left the villa, said goodbye to Huang Zhiling and others, and drove south.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the heavy snow is flooding the whole world.

The world seems to be frozen, and even zombies rarely come out to move, lest they will be frozen in their bodies. After the heavy snow closed the road, the road was not easy to follow, so they looked for a place to rest and waited until the road was clear. So, this way down, the walk is protracted, but because there is no urgent matter, it is like traveling.

Compared with the early days of the last days, everyone bumped and bumped all the way to the capital base. Now with the strength of the two, they are already not afraid of the dangers on the road, and even can open their own way. Except for the inconvenience of heavy snow, other times there is no major problem. . Because they were not afraid, the two stopped and walked and rarely went to the base to find a place to rest.

After all these trips and stops, the New Year was passed on the road, and it was not until the arrival of spring that I almost returned to the base where Major General Lei was-County C.

The ice and snow melted, everything revived, and green weeds grew on both sides of the road, dyed with greenery. Human beings are like this weed, no matter how difficult the environment is, in spring, they will still continue to live stubbornly.

When the weather was slightly warmer, many people left the safe base to collect supplies.

In the fourth year of the end of the world, except for the large cities occupied by zombies, the materials in many places were almost collected by the survivors, but only consumed but not produced. Even if it is produced, it can only use the limited land resources and the abilities of the supernatural powers. The push, for the huge survivors, is in short supply, making humans have to risk leaving safe bases to collect food.

Fortunately, nature is fair. When one door is closed, another window is opened. Mutated plants have research value. Mutated animals can provide food for supernaturalists, and the nucleus of zombies can provide power and power to humans. energy. On the contrary, human beings are also hunting animals for their survival, and the natural balance has not been broken, and it has been maintained in a certain pattern.

The car drove slowly all the way, not in a hurry.

On the main road, many walking abilities saw the passing cars with envious expressions on their faces. Because gasoline is non-renewable, it has been occupied by most forces. Most people go out to collect supplies and need to walk in vain. It is really a chore, but there is no way. Therefore, seeing people who can afford to drive now is no different from a local tyrant in the eyes of most people.

The old man in the car touched his nose. She did not expect that she would become a local tyrant in her lifetime. No, it should be said that she actually fell in love with a local tyrant.

At this time, a certain local tyrant drove slowly, paying attention to the situation on the road, because the road was bumpy, so he could only drive slowly, so as not to shake too much and disturb the age of the building who was drinking soup.

"Drink quickly, lest it get cold."

"Got it." The housekeeper.

Muttering in his heart, Lou Ling slowly drank the soup that has the function of nourishing yin and nourishing blood for women. This winter, her cheeks were filled with rosy cheeks, if not for daily exercise, she would almost become a fat man. Therefore, compared to those who are hungry and thin after the end of the world, her white and tender appearance is really hateful.

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