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Shinano couldn't bear it and the silence was deafened by screams of sorrow, Yamato and Musashi ran over to see. they soon realize what's happening and they join their grieving sister. roon was sobbing in Fredrich's chest and Eugen couldn't hold a stoic face after this. 

Yamato picked up jin and carried him to the ship and placed him a separate room and left him there till they got home 

arriving back to base the roon ran to her dorm and Eugen went to the bar, Fredrich didn't anyone at the base, Hannah went to the office, and bismarck and graf went to help Hannah. 

Hannahs POV 

sitting down you write a report of today's mission and you had to write if you received casualties, you never had to do it and now you do

Jin Matsu KIA 17:34 

you finish up the report and send it to high command, the phone rings and you hear a very cheerful voice on the other end 

"why is not picking up the phone?" she asks 

"Jin is Ummm busy, but what is it and I'll tell him," you lied 

"um we are 5 mins from the port and want him to be ready," she said 

"ok see you soon," you hung up 

"Why did you lie," graf asked 

"i can't do it," you said 

"why he die and people die when they are weak," graf said 

you slammed your fist on your desk "mind your tongue graf  because of him purifier is gone," you barked "a weak person wouldn't have sacrificed himself for his comrades to escape," 

they were shocked at you losing your cool, your hands shake "what am i going to tell her when she finds out," 

you walk to the docks and see the IJN fleet and your stomach is turning and finally, the empress comes to the dock with other shippgirls and it happened 

"where is Jin," she asked 

"i cant wait to see him onee-san misses him," a girl with dog ears 

"i made him ramen," another one said 

"he is ....," three words left them all silent 

5 days later

????? pov

aboard the ship was a girl in a commander's uniform and the lady wearing fancy clothes but her expression was dead, the ride was silent and no chatter was shared. 

arriving at the base a massive sakura tree was hanging over the base and the pedals fell in the ocean 

stepping off the ship the empress wished her luck and the ship departed. the shipgirls greeted you but none seem too excited to see you. 

"Hello I'm Aki and I'm proud to be your commander," you greeted the girls all remained silent this made you nervous 

after the silence the crowd all left and that left you alone 

you went to your office and it wasn't cleaned up a broken window, with a desk with stacks of paper and the chair was busted like it was thrown at a wall. you then try to clean up the desk and all the papers fell on the floor and you check the drawer. inside on was bottles of sake and journal. you check the other draw and notes inside it and you saw 3 small boxes. you grab the journal and read its contents. 

it walked about his experience of being the commander, it was an everyday account from JIM. it walked about the Yamato classes, Onee-san, getting married, getting shot, almost jumping off a cliff, plans for the future the last entry was 4 weeks ago. 

someone entered the office it was a white kitsune with red eyes 

"I'm sorry you need to leave the office isn't cleaned up yet," she said she say you reading his journal and grab it "now," 

you left and went to your room which was his and now cleaned with a futon and pillows and blankets and a small kitchen and a small desk with a computer. you set your stuff down and personalize the room. 

you have time to spare so hopping on the computer you see if you make the ship girls like you and see the records. you frown and see that their morale had been damaged from previous commanders' misconduct but one that cause major damage to morale was the commander recently died "Jin Matsu," you do some research on him. 

2 hours later 

Its time for dinner and you grab your plate and ate outside you walk to a sakura tree near a cliff, while walking you trip over something you look down and see a flat headstone and panic 

"I'm sorry I'm sorry," you repeated you put your plate down and see the name 

"Jin Matsu The First Commander With a Heart of Gold," 

you walk to another spot to eat dinner 

three kitsune walks to the headstone and brushes the sakura pedals off the grave and sits next to it and start talking about their day 

you go back to the office and see its all cleaned up and phone rings 

"so aki how bad is it," Kumi asks 

"bad really bad," you replied "i do think i can do this," 

"don't panic you can do this," she reassured 

"ok ok," you said "i want ask you something," 

"what is it," kumi asks 

"do you still hate him," you ask 

"who told you this," kumi asks 

"i look at your record and you wrote it and it wasn't a nice report him,'

"i won't answer that," Kumi hung up 

Up North two sirens discuss a new plan for a project, 

"so this is what you came up with," one asks

"yes with this we can make a new siren class that can aid us with our road of conquest," 

"very well commence operation emperor," 

The first arc is completed 

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