Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Later that night, I sat in my bedroom, moping, a pillow thrown over my head. Kieran was staying the night apparently, something about it being easier to just stay here and catch a ride with Jamie to the set of the movie. At least he thinks about the environment.

I cursed myself for continuously thinking about Kieran, and I cursed him for deciding it would be great to never leave my house. Couldn't he just give me one day to gather my thoughts? Would that be so hard?

He had a girlfriend, he was famous, and he was a boy.

So complicated. Why couldn't life just be easier.

I took the pillow off my head and glanced at the clock; 12am. How'd that happen? I'm always asleep by 10:30pm ish.

After the run with Kieran, I had just retired to my room, claiming I had lots of books to read, work to do, people to talk to. Which was sort of true. So everyone had just left me alone. I wanted to go back down when I heard laughing, but decided my mind couldn't take anymore beatings. The laughter and voices had quieted though, leaving the still of the night in its wake.

I huffed and threw the pillow at the wall in frustration. Sleeping was clearly not going to happen for me. I was doomed to stay up all night.

I decided to go and get a glass of warm milk though, in hopes that it would calm me enough to get even just a few hours of sleep. I crept down the hall and into the kitchen, grabbing a small mug and filling it with milk. After putting cup in the microwave and turning it on, I wandered over to the open wall separating the kitchen and the living room.

"Naia.." I heard someone mumble. I jumped, and glanced over at the couch where Kieran lay sprawled. "No... Naia... Mmm."

My eyes widened when I realized he was talking in his sleep. About me. Must be a nightmare.

When the microwave finally beeped done, I was watching him so intently that it scared me (a lot of things scare me...), and I gasped loudly. Both things combined did exactly what I was trying to avoid.

Waking Kieran.

"Mmm, what time is it?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"Uhm, a little bit after 12..." I replied, frozen in a tense stance.

"What are you doing up so late? Out here?"

"I couldn't sleep, so... I decided to try drinking warm milk." Kieran smiled at that as he sat up and stretched.

"Grab your milk, and come here," he commanded softly. I just nodded, grabbed my milk from the microwave, and sat on the couch beside him.

"You can talk to me, about why you can't sleep, and then, maybe you will be able to sleep," he said, yawning.

Except the reason is you...

For some reason, though, I found myself telling him about my lack of friends.

"Everyone wants to be with me, only to meet my brother. They don't even bother asking how I'm doing, or how I feel. They don't even care who I am. 'Oh, can you get Jamie's autograph?' 'Please bring me home with you, I want to meet Jamie'. I love my brother, but, I just... I want somebody to be able to talk to. I wish that it weren't so much to ask for." Suddenly I blushed. Somehow this boy managed to get me so flustered, that I would go and tell him something that I'd never told anyone else. A famous boy none the less. Kieran just had an aura about him, that made me want to trust him with all my deep dark secrets.

My blush grew even deeper when he didn't say anything. He just sat there, studying me. Which was quite awkward. I took a sip of the milk to try and hide my face.

When I couldn't take the silence anymore, I spoke, "I'm sorry, I just keep blabbering to you. Ignore what I said, and I'll just let you get back to bed..." I started to stand, to run back to my room and mope some more, but Kieran caught my wrist, not hard enough to hurt, but firm enough so I couldn't wiggle it out. I was forced to sit back down, a defeated look filling my face.

"I don't mind you're 'blabbering' you know," he said gently. "I'm glad you feel you can talk to me. I'm in the same boat as you. Everyone wants to be Kieran Blair, the actor's friend, not my friend.

"But when you just told me you feel like that, I was surprised. I didn't quite realize that the people around us had the same issue." He sighed, his voice taking on a sympathetic tone. "It'll be okay though." He smiled, as if he'd just thought of something spectacular. "You know what it means though? When you find someone who doesn't just love your brother, you'll know they're a true friend. That's worth waiting for."

I felt something shift inside of me, subtle almost, and I was scared to even breath. I saw Kieran anew, as if he were a completely different person. The madness I had felt at him being famous was gone, replaced by a warm, comfortable feeling, that filled my stomach with butterflies.

And I was afraid.

"Thank you," I whispered, placing the cup of milk on the table. "I know I'll be able to sleep now." I smiled tentatively, suddenly shy again. "I'll... let you sleep now. I never stay up this late. Goodnight, Kieran." Standing slowly, I smiled down at him again, and started towards the kitchen.

"Wait, Naia," he called, softly. I hesitated, which was just enough time for him to walk up swiftly to me, turn me around, and hug me tight. "I'll be your friend." he whispered, before letting me go back up to bed, the now cold milk left forgotten on the coffee table.


True to my word, I've uploded a chappy the very next day :) Hope you enjoy. I was hoping it'd be longer, but I thought that it felt right to end it there ;)

lots of loveeee <333

and thanks for all the votes :D

Also this chapter is dedicated to XxGleekstarxX. Thank her for finding me on facebook and letting me know my story was top. Without her, I don't know when I would have known o.o

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