Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

  When I regained consciousness, the first thing I noticed was an aching pain in my head.  The second thing I noticed was an extreme pain coming from my left ankle.  But when I went to reach a hand up to touch my head, I realized my hands were tied together in front of me.  At first I was very confused, unsure of where I was, how I got there, why I was hurting everywhere.

  And then slowly it all started coming back.  Kieran, kissing me, telling me things I didn’t want to hear, and couldn’t believe.  Me, running away and getting myself lost, and having to call Sam.  Waiting for Sam, but then…

  I gasped and began to hyperventilate, knowing exactly where I was, and why I was tied up.  I lifted both my hands to my head, and when I brought them back up, I saw blood.  I must have hit my head pretty hard when I’d fallen.

  The only positive thing was that the kidnapper had decided to leave me on a bed.  I guess he just didn’t want me dying on him.

  Footsteps sounded outside the door of the bedroom I was in, and I tensed, extremely frightened.  The door opened, revealing the same guy who had tried to pick me up last night.  Except now, I was able to get a good look at him. 

  He had shaggy brown hair, a face which hadn’t seen a good shave in weeks, and wild black eyes.  He definitely didn’t look sane.  Which scared me even more.  A sane man could be reasoned with, an insane one could not.  They had their own set of rules. 

  The man wore a nice suit for some reason, which was so completely opposite to his hygiene that it looked strange. 

  “Hello, pretty,” he said, leering with slightly crooked, yellowy teeth.  “So glad you’ve finally decided to wake up.  I was ‘fraid you might be dead.”  He snickered at that.

  “N-no,” I stammered weakly.  It was hard to find my voice.  The man walked up, and hauled me from the bed and onto my feet.  My head spun, and my ankle gave out, so I just fell to the floor, attempting to put my tied up hands in front of me to land on.  It just barely worked, and I cried out as I fell. 

  I lay on the floor for a few minutes, sobbing from pain and fear.  Then I braced myself and stood up, trying to summon all my strength.  I rested most of my weight on my left foot, the non injured one. 

  “Listen here, you fool,” I hissed, baring my teeth.  “You have just made the biggest mistake of your life.”  I was beginning to feel wobbly again, but  wasn’t done.  “I’m friends with people in high places, that will be looking for me right now.  Let me go, and you’ll get off easier.”

  “Well, this is a first,” the man laughed, not at all threatened like he was supposed to be.  “A little girl, threatening me, the kidnapper.  Never had this one happen before.”

  I faltered.  “Wha-What?”

  “Sweet Cakes, this isn’t my first rodeo,” he said.  “And no one leaves until I get what I want.  Actually, usually no one leaves at all.  But I might make an exception with you, considering your Jamie Sloan’s sister.  I could make a pretty penny off of you.”

  Then he shoved me back onto the bed, hard, taking out a knife and grabbing my arm.  I had to hold back a scream as he cut into it, drawing a short line down it.

  “You’ll get one of these every day I don’t receive the ransom money from your brother,” the man said, wiping off the knife on my pants, and putting a not-so-clean rag on the fresh wound.  Tears fell from my closed eyes, and I tried not to sob. 

  “Oh, by the way, you can call me Andrew,” he added as he left the room, shutting the door and locking it behind him. 

  Andrew ignored me for the rest of the day (I’d been unconscious all night, and half the day, as it turns out).  I sat on the bed, staring at the wall most of the time, feeling numb, completely devoid of emotions.  I’d already cried myself dry, and I knew screaming would do no good.  This guy wasn’t dumb enough to kidnap me and hide me in an apartment building, where people could hear me scream.  Plus it would most likely just earn his ire, or at the very least his attention. 

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