Chapter 17

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Chapter  17

   The first thing we decided to do was watch a movie.  Somehow, Jamie managed to convince us all to watch one with him in it, our only condition was that he couldn’t be the main guy.  One thing  I noticed though, was that Kieran and Jamie didn’t seem at all upset with each other, even though last time I’d seen them together, Jamie had punched Kieran.  It was strange; they seemed completely friends again, Jamie not at all bothered by the fact he was here, staying the night. 

  Sam still looked out of place.  He sat close to me on the couch, arms crossed, face stoic. Kieran also sat close to me, on the other side, and subtly put his arm on top of the couch, like he had the first time I'd watched a movie with him.  I immediately felt uncomfortable, as I could feel the tension between them; it felt as if at any moment they would jump over me and attack each other.  It was slighty annoying, honestly.

  Kira, Luka and Jake sat on the floor in front of the couch, Luka in the middle right in front of my legs, and Jamie sat in the chair beside the couch, looking disapprovingly at the three of us on the couch.  Surprisingly, he didn't say a word, just pressed play on the Blue Ray player.  It was a movie called 'Catch', and was about a child who was just learning how to play baseball when he is swept away to a magical world full of unicorns and elves, and ogres.  He has to use his new baseball skills to conquer the villain and return home before his parents get back from their trip.  His baby sitter was played by Jamie.  The baby sitter ended up being dragged into the battle half way through the movie, and is almost killed.  We all laughed at Jamie's dying scene, which made him stick his tongue out at us.

  A few minutes after that part, I decided I was a little two uncomfortable sitting between two people who clearly disliked each other.  So I stood up, claiming I had to go the washroom, rejected everyone's offer to help me there, and hobbled out of the living room and into the hall.  Once I was in the bathroom, I closed to door and leaned my head against the wall, taking a few deep breaths.  Then I went to the sink and splashed cold water over my face.  After I decided I was calm enough to go back out into the lion's den, I opened the bathroom door and just about walked right into Sam.  Even he seemed slightly surprised.  Then he smiled awkwardly.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked, instantly suspicious.

  "You didn't expect me to stay in a room full of people who hated me, did you?" he countered, raising an eyebrow.  "I just told them I was going to go make sure you were alright.  They were happy to see me go, I'm sure."

  "Jamie doesn't hate you," I shot back.

  "You'd be surprised..."

  "Speaking of surprise," I began, "I was going to bring this up with you the night..."  I trailed off, and picked up again a few seconds later. "Anyways, you told me that there are always two sides to a story.  I want to know your side."  I avoided meeting his eyes however, feeling slightly embarressed that I was even asking this.  He had technically saved me after all.

  "Oh, Kira," he muttered, shaking his head, and rubbing the back of his neck.  "I'm guessing she told you her side, and it sounded horrific, didn't it?  She enjoys making me look bad.  Yes I did sleep with her.  No I didn't know she was a virgin.  We both agreed that it would mean nothing before it happened.  But she apparently fell in love with me after, and I didn't feel the same way.  So I told her so, and I think it was a blow to her ego or something, because she was very angry after.  I stayed away from her after that."

  "And what about the thing you did to hurt Kieran's career?"

  Sam growled.  "I did what I had to.  I sold a picture of Kieran to the tabloids, and he was quite upset with me.  But I needed the money, badly, and it was the quickest way I could think of.  It was wrong, I suppose, but, well, it was necessary. 

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