Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

  I immediately tensed and pushed myself away from him.
  “I…  I…”  Was all I could get out before my mind decided it had had too much.  And so I fled, running as fast as I could to my room, where I could lock myself in there and just think about everything that had been happening, and who I wanted to be with and what the consequences of each of the three choices would be.
  When I reached my room, instead of slamming the door, I closed it softly.  I wished badly I actually had a lock on my bedroom door, so instead I ran to my closet and sat in it, closing the door, pulling my knees to my chin and placing my head on them.
   This was too confusing.  First there was Kieran, the first boy who’d been nice to me, promised to be my friend, kissed me on the highway, not even caring if people saw us or took pictures (although that had been a mistake, which had started this whole mess).  I felt comfortable with him, like all was right in the world when he held me in his arms.  But he’d hurt me so much when he’d told me that me and him were just a joke, something fun for him to do when he wasn’t working.  I’d never felt so lonely in my life.  My first real friend had been disastrous.  Even if Kieran did claim that he had just said that to protect me, that’s not something easily gotten over…
  And then there was Sam.  He was darker and more mysterious then the other two, and that’s probably what drew me to him the most.  He was the bad boy every girl wanted, yet he still had a kindness to him that even he didn’t seem to realize he possessed.  Sam felt so right, yet so wrong at the same time.  But when he’d kissed me outside the bathroom, it had felt like my blood had come alive and I was all over him, I couldn’t help myself.  I doubt he’d be very stable though.  And he loved his damn car so much, would there be any room for me?
  Lastly, there was Luka.  The most innocent, kind, and youngest of the three.  He was funny, smart, compassionate.  And he was a twin!  Who could turn down a twin?  But although I enjoyed kissing him, I felt guilty, almost as if he could never belong to me, like it could never work.  Luka, however, seemed like the best choice out of the three.  He had never hurt me, didn’t seem like the type that could hurt me, wasn’t famous (and oh how I hate fame), he was probably the most ready for a stable relationship, and he had asked me out.  Although, Kieran sort of had too.  Sort of.
  So now I had to make a choice.  Kieran would most likely stay mad at me if I said yes to Luka, but if I said no to Luka, I’d have to apologize to Kieran, and risk making a fool out of myself when he did the same thing to me again.  A loose tear fell from my eye and hit the ground.  Why did life have to be so hard?  Why did all three have to be so appealing?  And, much to the contrary belief, I didn’t really think it was right to love more then one person at a time.  Was it?
  Either way, first things first, I had to avoid Luka and go talk to Kieran.  Maybe that would help me decide my answer to Luka.  Slowly and quietly, I got up, left the closet, trying to make as little noise as possible.  I crept to my door, opened it, looked out the door and down the hall to make sure it was empty before leaving my room and shutting it behind me.  When I rounded the corner, I almost had a heart attack, because as I was sneaking and looking every which way, I forgot to look in front of me and ran right into Kira.  Luckily I kept myself from screaming, barely…
  “Oh my God, Kira!”  I huffed.  “What are you doing?”
  “Apparently scaring the shit out of you,” she replied, barely contained laughter in her voice. “By the way, Luka is looking for you.  He seemed kind of distraught…”
  “I’m distraught!”  I exclaimed leaning against the well and putting a hand to my forehead.  “But don’t tell him you saw me.  I need to speak to your brother before I can talk to Luka again.  And actually, you’re just the person who can help me do it. Can you text him or something?”
  “Yeah of course,” Kira agreed, pulling out her phone.  “What do I say, that you want to talk to him?”
  “Do you think he’ll come?”  I asked, raising an eyebrow.
  “I guess he’s probably still mad so that would be a no…”
  “Just say you want to meet up somewhere, and that it’s an emergency.”
  “Kay, fine, typing now…  There it’s sent,”  Kira said, snapping her phone shut.  A few seconds later, the phone vibrated. “He says, ‘okay, meet me under the bridge in 20’.  Dammit, now our bridge meeting spot will be compromised…”
  “I promise I won’t tell anyone, five year old friend,” I said in a deep, sarcastic, mocking voice.  “Where is it?” 
  “At the Mcleod Park, 20 mins from here.  And it’s the only bridge in the whole park.  Also, the park isn’t very big.”
  I rolled my eyes and shook my head.  “I know where it is, and thank you Kira.  Wish me luck…”
  “Luck!”  she shouted behind me as I took off running (or rather my sad attempt at running).  Unfortunately, I had no choice but to steal Jamie’s car, as well as drive illegally, since I couldn’t risk anyone finding out about this just yet, especially Luka.  And who would believe me, Naia Sloan, would steal a car?  As soon as I got onto the road, I realized what a bad plan this was.  Every car I saw I thought was a cop who was watching me, so I’d tense up and drive like a grandmother.  Then, when the road was clear (which was almost never), I’d start speeding like mad.  I had a trail of angry drivers behind me by the time I reached Mcleod Park.  I pulled into the parking lot, and practically ran out of the car, and down one of the trails, trying to find the bridge.  It didn’t take long, as the park was really small, as Kira had said. 
  And true to his word, Kieran was there, leaning against one wall of the bridge, hands in pockets and shins crossed.  The bridge was a brick arch, going across a small, quietly bubbling creek.  I could see why Kieran and Kira always met here for brother sister talks. 
  “Kieran?”  I whispered his name loudly, trying not to spook him, but also to let him know it was me.
  “Naia?”  he asked, turning his head to look at me.  “I thought…  Oh…  I would have come if you’d asked you know.”
  “I didn’t want to take that risk, I really…”  I hesitated, feeling suddenly shy again.  “I really needed to talk to you.  You left so angry and I felt so bad and…”
  “Shh,”  Kieran interrupted, coming up to me to put his hands on my shoulders and look me in the eyes.  “No need to apologize, I drove you to it.  I was just overwhelmed with jealousy.  But you’re right, we’re not together and I did have my chance.  And blew it big time.  You should be with whoever you want, whoever makes you happiest.”
  I was so surprised by this that I was at a lack of words.  This isn’t what I’d expected at all.  I thought he’d still be mad, and that I’d have a hard time apologizing.  But he was saying sorry to me.  It didn’t make any sense at all. I had to turn away from his stare, it was making me feel way to guilty. How could I even consider saying yes to Luka, when Kieran was such a nice guy. 
  Almost spontaneously, I turned back around and met Kieran’s lips with my own.  He seemed almost as shocked as me, but quickly got over it.  He spun me around so that my back was against the wall and grasped my face in his hands, his tongue asking permission to dance with mine.  I immediately let him in, running my hands up and down his back and then to his chest, running them all over his beautiful muscles.  Soon they were under his shirt, attempting to pull it off.  He did not protest, instead lifted his arms to help me, while still kissing me.  When I had his shirt off, he brought his hands under my, exploring my chest.  His lips moved to my jaw and then to my neck, while softly caressing my breasts.  I leaned into him and let a moan escape into his ear.  His response was to nibble on my neck, almost as I would imagine a vampire would.  It was oddly enough a turn on, and I hated vampire garbage.
  Just as he was undoing the last button on my shirt, he suddenly stopped, pulling away from me and then leaning his forehead on the wall next to mine.
  “Naia, I can’t…”  He said, breathing hard.  “It just isn’t fair to you.”
  “Why?”  Was all I could manage.  I was still breathless, but I could manage the word ‘why’ in a huff.
  “Because I’m not going to let you get hurt again,”  he replied, finally catching his breath.  “I promised to be your friend, and I can only be a true friend if we aren’t together, I’m sorry.”  Finally he looked me in the eyes and gently did my buttons back up.  “You look so beautiful right now, you know that?  This is so hard for me.”
  “But…  Kieran, please don’t do this,” I pleaded.  I knew my face must have looked heart broken, because Kieran had to look away.  He picked up his shirt and threw it on, then came over and grabbed my hands.
  “Naia, I promise to be your best friend and to always be there for you.  I promise to never try to be more, and to never again hurt you.  I promise to support all of your choices, and not allow myself to be jealous over whomever you choose.  Naia, please let me be your friend.  It doesn’t have to be more then that.”
  “But I want it to…”  I whispered, hopefully quiet enough that he couldn’t hear.  Then I looked up at him and kissed him on the cheek.  “Thank you Kieran…  I…  I would like that,” I lied.
  Then I walked away, knowing what I had to do next.  I drove home slowly, still mulling it over, wondering where each choice would lead me.  I thought I’d already made a good choice back there with Kieran, but he’d made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want that.  I still wasn’t sure why.  Was it really that he didn’t want to hurt me?  Or was it something more.  Maybe he really didn’t want to be with me, he just wanted to sleep with me, and just thought the park wasn’t a good place.  Ugh!  Finally I made it home, but when I went into the garage, I felt like maybe home hadn’t been the best option. 
  Jamie stood in the opening, tapping one foot, arms crossed, a very… Mad look on his face.  I smiled weakly and waved, pulling in slow and careful.
  When I got out of the car I kept my head down, knowing my face was beat red.
  “Hey…  Bro…”  I greeted hesitantly.  “Your car is a nice ride.  Sorry I didn’t ask.”
  He immediately pounced on me, pinning me to the ground and twisting my arm behind my back.
  “Jammy, ow ow, get off, you’re really hurting me!”
  “I know!  That’s the point!” he growled in my ear, twisting my arm harder.
  “No, really… hurting… Broken… remember?”  I moaned slowly, trying feebly to push him off me.  Reluctantly, he let me go and got up, probably wishing I weren’t injured so he could injure me.
  “If you ever take my baby again!”  Jamie threatened, waving a fist at me. 
  “Not like you ever drive it,” I mumbled.
  “Chantelle is too precious to drive every day,” Jamie replied without a hint of embarrassment at naming his car ‘Chantelle’.  “Besides, next time I’m going to tell mom.  I doubt you’ll want to make her mad, and I know she’d be mad about this.”
  I glared at him and stomped off.  Well I stomped with only one foot and limped with the other.  Having a hurt ankle is surprisingly awful for dramatic exits and entrances… 
  Luka was next on my list of people to talk to.  I’d just left him hanging.  Hopefully he was still at the house.  Of course, as soon as I walked into the living room, Jake, Luka and Kira were all sitting in the living room, watching T.V. and eating popcorn.  All eyes turned to me when I walked into the room.
  “Are you guys ever going to leave?”  I said laughing.  “Well, I’m glad you’re still here.  Luka, can I talk to you alone for a minute?”  Luka nodded and stood up, looking down to Jake for what looked like support.  Jake just winked.
  We walked into the hallway and I grabbed his hand as we walked.
  “I’m sorry for running off,”  I said softly, stopping once we were almost at the end of the hall to a door that lead outside.  “I was confused and there was too much running through my head, so I panicked.  I hope you don’t hate me.”
  Luka chuckled, but it sounded like there was an edge of relief in it.  “I completely understand.  It probably wasn’t the best time to ask anyways.”
  “Well, either way, I have an answer if you want to hear it.”
  Squeezing my hand, Luka nodded. 
  “The answer is yes,”  I said quietly, kissing Luka gently, Kieran’s kiss still lingering on my mind as I kissed him. 


Again, comment, vote, love you all <3  and don't forget to add me on twitter, Cobbling :)

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