Chapter 11:What happened to Disney?

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Chapter 11

What happened to Disney?


“What. The. Heck. Happened. to Disney?” I said watching the most ridiculous shows I’ve ever seen as Genevieve munches on her third bowl of popcorn. Like she planned, we were both watching these random shows that she’s been introducing me to while we- well mostly she ate anything that contained sugar or fat in it. I was lying on the couch with one knee to my chest, while she lies on the opposite end very engrossed in the show I wanted to throw the remote at. I should have just told her I didn’t want to watch anything because it’s breaking my heart to see what my old shows have become.

Oh the horror. What happened to the originality? The fun? The characters that had personality? The cliché life challenges? The sappy romance that made us pull our hair out because the characters take way too long to get together when we know they will!?

“Don’t know.” She says; chewing a mouthful of popcorn. “I find these new shows cute though.”

“You’re kidding me right? Either give me the remote or let’s watch something else. This is killing my childhood.”

“Oh come on Ally’s about to sing.” She whined as I rolled my eyes reaching for the remote in her hand.

Everyone sings every second. Even in the commercials. Didn’t you have other stuff to introduce me to?” I ask making the excitement shine in her eyes as I instantly regret asking. If I see one more bad show I’m going to throw my T.V out the window and never watch it again.

“This wasn’t even the half of it!” she squeals licking every trace of butter from her fingers. She scrambled through her bag in haste and pulled out a Dell Laptop before opening it as she turns towards me. “Password.”

“What?” I ask in confusion.

“Password for the Wi-Fi.” She sang.

“Give me the Laptop and I’ll type it in.” I sang back making her pout.

“Aw. You don’t trust me?”

I shook my head in response.

“Ouch.” She handed it over without any more complaints as I connected it to the internet.

Two things I’ll never share with people. My Food. And my Wi-Fi password.

“I can’t wait for you to watch these.” She giggles excitedly placing the laptop back in her lap. “Okay I have about ten shows for us to start with but since your new to… well probably all of them, you pick which one catches your interest.” She turned the screen towards me and I scanned her list named ‘My absolute favorites’ which contained about ten T.V series.

There was one titled “Supernatural” and it immediately caught my attention, but when I saw how many seasons there were I looked somewhere else. That was gonna take way too long to finish.

Another had the title “Once upon a time” but just the name had me thinking ‘really?’, for fairytales just weren’t my thing. If I watch anything cliché such as a whining princess being saved by a handsome prince I’ll vomit.

Beside that I saw something named “The Vampire Diaries” and on the cover were three characters. In the middle was a teenage girl, and on her left and right were two extremely handsome boys. The one on her right especially caught my attention. I was about to tell Genevieve to click on that, but then I realized that the female character must be in some sort of love triangle with the two boys the way they were both guarding her just by standing behind her. If she didn’t end up with the one I liked I would personally hunt the actress down if I turn out to like the show.

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