Chapter 5: The new Genevieve

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Chapter 5

The new Genevieve


Ah what a lovely Tuesday morning. The sky was pitched grey. It was raining like no one's business outside. I was walking towards my locker, while people were eyeing in my direction in plain aw struck shock. The guys had their eyes opened wide enough to fall out of their sockets. The girls had their jaws dropped, while other rubbed at their eyes to make sure they were seeing clearly. Nothing out of the ordinary going on here. Nope. Nothing at all.

Except the fact the fact that there's a crazy girl clinging unto my arm like I'm some sort of escort to prom.

And thy name be Genevieve Mauricio.

'Is that Genevieve?!' a girl squealed loud enough for me to hear.

'What is she doing?!' some guy gasped.

'This has to be a prank.' Another said in disbelief.

'God I think I'm going to be sick.'

Okay. I had to hold a laugh in for that last one. He's gonna get sick because the sweetheart of the school is hanging on my arm? Well puke away idiot.

"Genevieve?" I said trying to tug my arm out of her grip for the hundredth time today since I walked on school grounds.

"Mmm." She hummed looking at me in question.

"When are you planning to let go?"

"When we get to class." She sang happily, ignoring the stares others were giving us. She and I have the same first period together, but for once we going together... or more like she's following me like a creepy stalker.

"You do know people are staring." I stated more as a fact than a question.

"Screw them."

"You're going to get judged by hanging around me."

"Again. Screw them.." she repeated as she started to hum a random song.

Okay she must have fallen out of bed a little too hard this morning, or this was a doppelganger, who had Genevieve's face, taking her place... but that was the thing... only her face was recognizable.

Her straight waist length hair was now replaced by short brown curls cut just above her neck. Her face was not tainted with a pinch of make-up, while her usual skirt and tanked topped blouse were replaced by long brown jeans and a plain red shirt with a bold 'Midnight Red' written on it. Must be some kind of band I never heard of before. Lastly, her heels were now traded for a red and black converse. Converse. I was convinced this was an imposter more than the way she did a huge 180 in a matter of hours.

When I walked unto the campus this morning all I heard was my name being called and I turned only to be tackled by the imposter. She just smiled and said good morning before clinging her arms around mines like we were lifelong friends out of a chick-flic. I tried to pull away the whole way to class, emphasis on the word 'try', the girl was probably five foot zero and actually had more muscles than me and my pathetic five foot ten scrawny self.

I opened the door that lead to my first period, and waited for Genevieve to walk in before me as I followed from behind. I glanced towards my watch and saw that I had about fifteen minutes before Math started. Genevieve and I were the only ones here, so I just took my place in the seat nearest to the window at the second to last row in the back. I observed out the window to my right to see that it was still pitch gray outside and raining like it was no tomorrow.

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