Chapter 21: Denial or Confess?

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Chapter 21

Denial or Confess?


Monday was just plain weird, and awkward. Well, for my part that is.

I don't think I passed one student today who didn't have a newspaper in their hands. Mummers were all around, as others conversed, giggled, and searched through the papers not taking their glued eyes from the pages. I raise my brow in curiosity as I simply walked through the halls in ease for once, and headed straight towards Mrs. Jazz's classroom. She and Genevieve were supposed to be there already for lunch.

Standing outside of the already ajar revealed door, I was about to enter until I heard my name come from Mrs. Jazz, causing me to listen, placing a palm on the handle.

"Carter looked so adorable! You can't even tell it's him!" Mrs. Jazz squeals, as I stopped myself from opening the door to fully reveal myself.

"I know! The dude pulls off a dress better than I ever will!" Eve's voice screeched as equally giddy making me snort at their fangirling behavior. They were so-

Wait a skittle second, how did Mrs. Jazz know how I looked at the....

"Whoa." I say, entering the room, causing to turn both their heads in my direction. "What are you two talking about?"

"Well." Eve sings before waving the newspaper around in glee almost mischievously winking at me. "You should see this."

"God, what's all the fuss about? Everyone is looking through these today, and I know it has nothing to do with Reality." I say before sitting beside a smiling Mrs. Jazz.

"Look through it and you'll find out."

"Give me the papers. This I got to see." I say, extending my arms before taking a hold of the papers from a smiling Genevieve. My eyes scanned the headlines written in bright bold saying 'Masquerade Madness'. I snorted, shaking my head thinking to myself 'Of course it's this what everyone was going on about.' Event's here are very big, and everyone does make a big deal out of it afterwards.

Everywhere there were several pictures of couples, friends and their dates taken probably by the photography club in secret so they could start this massive gossip spree. Each picture had their own headline, stating that they won some kind of different label such as 'Best uniform', being two guys in sailor costumes. 'Prettiest fairytale', being a couple of girls in mermaid get ups, 'Scariest costume' being a guy in a Dracula costume with fake blood spattered all over a pale white and black suit. I shuttered at that before continuing on as my eyes landed on the 'Hottest female duo' being two very familiar girls, one in a green witch's costume and one being in a zombie black dress.

"Wow. You and Amira got a nice one Eve." I chuckled before extending the paper back to her.

"Wait you didn't see it?" she asks as if she expected a different response.

"Yeah I saw you and Amira-"

"Not us! Well we were hot- but not the point keep looking!" she and Mrs. Jazz giggles as I take back the paper to continue searching for something that's supposed to capture my attention. Now let's see. 'Cutest costume' Boring girl in a bunny costume. Please. 'Least creative' a guy dressed as a pumpkin. Blah, Blah, Blah. Then as I turned the page, in the far left hand corner, my eyes widened as I felt my face flush at the last pairing. 'Most Unique couple' being me dancing with... oh my-

"Holy-" I started to state, but immediately clasp a hand on my mouth remembering there was a teacher present.

"Look at him blush. The ship has sailed!" Genevieve fist pumps in the air sharing a high five with Mrs. Jazz. I blink in confusion, still not understanding the meaning of that hold 'shipping' business she keeps going on about; I just rolled my eyes placing the newspaper back into her palms. "Oh that reminds me Carter." Eve says, rolling the newspaper up as she receives it back, surprising the hell out of me when she slams it hard across my head.

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