Chapter 27: Food, fight and Firsts

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Chapter 27

Food, fight and Firsts


Never would I thought that I'd ever be in this position.

"This is really big." I complained, my hands still not stopping even though they were going numb from the same action over and over again.

"Keep going." Nolan ordered as I growled in lament.

"But my hands are hurting." I fake a voice of pain.

He rolled his eyes at that, chuckling under his breath as the sweat ran down his dyed black hair when he turned towards me, sending a mischievous smile before turning back to the stove.

I laughed a little, surprisingly elated for I never thought I'd be cooking like this, and have fun while doing it.

Now, let me break the fourth wall for a second and back up a bit for you dirty minded people that are probably confused with the conversation at the moment.

When we came inside the most embarrassing thing occurred when a rumble erupted from my stomach, causing Nolan to heave over in an exaggerated attempt to laugh as I punched his shaking shoulders from my chagrin.

He suggested, after another embarrassing moment of me glaring at his amused expression, that we make some dinner if I wanted to. So, with an enthused thought, I said sure, but being such an amateur in cooking he took control at that part while I chopped almost everything he instructed me to cut.

That's why my hands are hurting kids, I don't know how else they would be do you?

"This tomato doesn't look like it's getting smaller no matter how much I cut it." I admit, continuously chopping up several pieces for the hundredth time with a sharp kitchen knife as Nolan rolls the dough on the wooden counter.

"I need a lot of those to make the sauce. It is pizza after all." He says, spreading the dough on the metal platter almost professionally. Unconsciously, I kept looking at how focus, yet accurate he was in each movement. His large hands practically massaging every inch into a perfect circular shape like he's done this a million and one times before.

It was interesting to watch I must say. The carefulness, and effort he's putting into something like this was kind of surprising, but in a good way. Surprising, but good. Besides, before starting, he took his jacket off, revealing his plain black t-shirt that hugged his body and lean, but very fit muscles just right.

"You know," Nolan chuckles softly, not turning around as I instantly snap my attention back to what I was doing. "If you keep staring, you'll cut your hand and get blood on my tomatoes."

"Who's staring?" I huff out. "Not me Drake."

"Yes you were." He argues as if it were pretty obvious, but I'd rather not admit it.

"How would you know? You didn't even turn around." I scoff, causing him to turn around with a small smirk now plastered to his signature smug look. I raise a questioning brow, gasping as I the realization hit. "Dammit." I practically confessed I did by saying he didn't turn around. Stupid Carter, really stupid.

"Got you." He says, chuckling at my burning embarrassment making an appearance on my face. "I wasn't even sure you did, but thanks for being honest. My pride couldn't take it if you didn't."

"How does your head not hurt with that big ego of yours." I huff out, rolling my eyes dismissively as I finished one more of this never ending fruit... vegetable? Tomato is a fruit right? Whatever it doesn't matter. "Well that was the last one. Anything else chef?"

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