Chapter 3: What a time to grow a heart

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Chapter 3:

What a time to grow a heart


I hate Mondays.

The weekends are too short. The time span to do your homework and study, leaves you with barely any time to actually relax on the only two days of bliss you have for the week. You’re way too lazy to even get up in the morning. You’re half asleep the entire day not understanding a word your Spanish teacher is trying to say. Math looks like complicated crap, English looks like gibberish and you’re trying your absolute best to not to get bored and fall asleep. Then you have to wait four freaking days for the weekend to come back. Not to mention the day goes on and on like it can’t come to a freaking end.

I take a long sigh as I doodled in my notebook as my Spanish teacher, Mrs. Salazar, spoke in a language I don’t plan on speaking in this lifetime. In fact, it looks like I wasn’t the only one completely ignoring. Others were passing notes when Mrs. Salazar wasn’t looking, while I overheard a couple of girls behind me in a deep conversation.

“Reality actually answered me yesterday.” One of the girl whispered in a non-secretive manner.

“Really?” the other gasped.

“Really. He or she is a total kill joy. I asked if I should dye my hair a different color.”

So that was you.’ I thought holding back a smile.

“What it say?” her friend pressed her on.

“It stated, and I quote, ‘Go bald for all I care. This isn’t a fashion tip column sweetheart, so if you’d be so kind as to not asking something as trivial as that ever again or I’ll just ignore it. Reality check. Your hair is the least of your problems. Go pick up a book and do something with your life.’

“Did not!” her friend squealed from behind me.

“Did too! I mean come on I’m asking one thing and the ass goes and tells me something like that! The worst part is that I used my real name! Everyone laughed when I walk to first period today!”

I quietly chucked in my seat before tuning them out as I wrote down my notes. Reality became really popular over the past few days. Cool right?


If I didn’t know better, I’d say they hate Reality more than ‘Carter the fag.’ Apparently, no one likes the fact that some wannabe is replacing their favorite ‘Asking Margie’ column, and has the guts to stay anonymous. Their once favorite article filled with cream-puff promises sugared with Tinker-Bell’s fairy dust, is now your go to for direct shitty comebacks on how to really deal with life’s problems. Courtesy of Mua of course.

“Now Class.” Mrs. Salazar states passing around some papers. “I’m returning your test, and let me just say the results were plain horrible!”

“Just like your teaching.” A deep voice said two rows down from me, making the whole class go ‘Ooo’ in response to the comment. I scanned the area curiously to see Nolan Drake looking quite bored playing with a baseball and mitt like he didn’t just insult a teacher.

Miss Salazar just glared in his direction as she fumbled through the papers for something until she held out a test paper with a big red ‘F’ on the front page.

“This is yours.” Miss Announced slamming the paper on his desk. “I’m disappointed in you the most Mr. Drake. I expected more from you.”

“Life’s full of disappointments.” He smiled without humor crumbling the paper in his hands before throwing it in his green Jansport bag.

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