Chapter 8

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One Week Later

The grey rabbit hops merrily though the flowery meadow, its body bouncing up and down like an animal version of a pogo stick. The sun shone its golden rays down from the cloudless sky, illuminating the grassy meadow and the forest surrounding it. The rabbit stops at a clump of grass and starts nibbling, unaware that it is about to become lunch.

I leaped out from the bush and landed squarely on the rabbit. seizing its neck in my hand and twisting, killing it instantly. I swallowed the rabbit whole as I scanned the terrain around me, sniffing the air. One rabbit was far less than enough to satisfy me, but I had already eaten a deer about an hour ago, so my stomach was full. 

I had been exploring the surrounding wilderness for the past week, and I had noticed that the more time I spent outdoors, the faster and better my skills got. The map in my head now displayed up to 25 miles away, my top speed had increased, and my senses had improved drastically. I could now smell things from over 15 miles away, and my hearing had doubled. My vision was much sharper than before as well. 

I didn't know exactly why this was happening, but I guessed it was because of my exposure to the elements that had triggered it. I was glad of the change, and I embraced it.


My head snapped up at Maisie's voice, and I turned my head in her direction. Maisie was back at the cabin with everyone else, which was about 3 miles away, but I just managed to hear her. I knew she might be able to hear my reply if I roared, but I didn't want to announce my presence to every living thing around me. So I quickly accelerated to top speed, which I estimated to be about 70 miles per hour, and dashed back to her. 

Maisie called out for me again when I was less than a mile away, and I arrived less than a minute later, skidding to a halt in front of her. "What's up?" I asked her.

Maisie jumped at my sudden appearance, but quickly recovered. "Where have you been?" she asked curiously. Maisie always asked me this whenever I went away.

"Exploring the woods," I replied, gesturing to the surroundings. 

Maisie nodded. "Okay. Could you come in and help me with my homework? I'm having trouble with one of the questions."

I nodded. "Sure."

Maisie smiled as she turned, skipping, to the RV's door, entering and closing it behind her. I climbed in a window and went down on all fours, moving over to Maisie who was sitting at a table, a piece of paper lying in front of her with an open book next to it. I stood next to her and rested my hands on the table, looking at the problem. Maisie was doing math homework, and I was glad to help her.

Over the past week, Maisie had been getting assignments from Claire on math and other subjects to make up for her education. I had been learning along with her, and I liked doing so. My favorite subject was math, because I found it so easy. I was already way ahead of Maisie, but I still helped her anyway. I had been practicing my English, and my mouth didn't hurt as much when I did so. I was also learning to write, with varying degrees of success. I currently wrote like a five-year-old child, but I was rapidly improving.

I explained to Maisie what she had to do to solve the problem, and Maisie did it, thanking me in the process. I made sure to not outright give her the answer, instead I talked her through it, encouraging her and being patient with her, even though sometimes the answer was right in her face and she was still puzzled. 

When Maisie finished her homework, she got up and went outside. I followed close behind. Maisie started playing with some toys that Owen had, and I was about to join her when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see who it was.

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