Chapter 11

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I had remained in the same position for five hours, clinging onto the tree and holding Maisie securely. Speaking of Maisie, she'd fallen asleep after the first hour. The poor thing must have been excited after our adventure. I gently ran an invisible talon through her hair as she slept, careful not to disturb her rest as I did so. She just looked so cute, I couldn't resist giving her affection once in a while. Even though we were in a dangerous situation. I just hoped she wasn't having nightmares.

Checking down below me, I could see five soldiers apparently asleep at the bottom of our tree. I sniffed the air, switching my vision to heat-sensitive and straining my hearing to monitor them more closely. The soldiers were breathing evenly, their temperature was holding steady, and my nose informed me that they were resting. I would have relaxed and tried to make an escape, but the soldiers weren't stupid enough to not post a watch.

One man was awake, sitting next to the cold remains of a fire and keeping watch over the surroundings. He'd only been awake for two hours since the first watchman had retired for the night. I frowned. I hope they can just go away. I don't want to be spotted now, especially by InGen. 

Oh no, please don't tell me I have to wait until morning. I'll be exhausted, and Maisie's going to wake up with a backache. 

Unfortunately, that's where things seemed to be going. So I settled down, prepared to stay awake all night if I had to. I wouldn't be caught sleeping when danger was so close, when Maisie could get hurt. 

A loud exhale from the ground caught my attention. The man on watch was sitting down on the ground, appearing to be very bored. His assault rifle hung loosely in front of him as the man sat on his knees, staring out into the forest. In the exact opposite direction from my tree.

I came up an idea. Sure, it was incredibly risky, but it was an idea. If, and only if, the watchman fell asleep on duty, I could sneak past him and get away. I was a stealthy creature by nature, so I was sure I could pull it off. But I had to wait until he fell asleep, if he ever did. 

Another idea occurred to me. Maybe this was a good human, or just wasn't evil enough to deserve death. Those humans did exist, I was sure of that. I'd seen a few back at the mansion, as well as the ones I were living with now. The problem was, I didn't know if he was worthy to live. I needed to look into his eyes first. Something about a human's eyes always reveals their darkest secrets. 

So, in order for me to know for sure, I had to get him to look in my direction, or go up to him. Both of which would be risky. But hey, fun always came with risk. However, there was Maisie. What if she got hurt, or worse, captured? I'd never forgive myself if that happened. 

I had two options. I could wait and see if the watchman fell asleep. Or I could go up to him, restrain him, and see if he was on our side or not. I could knock him out, but that would leave evidence, and that was the last thing I needed.

I thought carefully about what to do next. Should I stick to my original plan, or do something risky and probably stupid? The decision seemed easy, when put that way. But what if I was spotted, or something else went wrong?

I'll deal with it when it happens, I told myself firmly. But it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

A new concern brought itself to light. What if they find Owen's RV? They will report it. I am absolutely sure that InGen got their own copy of the camera footage at the mansion. It probably showed me leaving with Owen and everyone else. If they find it, they will discover everyone there.


Of course! I'll just evacuate them!  We'll grab or destroy anything that points to us being here, if we have enough time, and scram. I knew that car would come into its usefulness soon!

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