Chapter 10

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Three Days Later

Inside an InGen Facility in an Undisclosed Location

A man sat at a desk in a dark room, the only light source coming from the computer monitor in front of him as he stared intently into it. His glasses glinted in the light as his fingers typed furiously on a keyboard. His dark hair was neatly combed, his black T-shirt and jeans helping him blend in to the darkness surrounding him. Indeed, it seemed as if this man belonged in the darkness, as if it was meant for him. He liked it, so that's why the light was off.

The man's eyes were suddenly blinded as a door opened in front of him, spilling bright white light into his spacious oaken office. Shielding his eyes with one arm, the man squinted, glaring through his glasses at the cause of the accursed light. "What is it?" he barked in a stern and annoyed tone. "I'm busy."

"Dr. Wu, I have news regarding the Indoraptor," a woman's voice replied, a brown-haired female dressed in a white lab coat standing in the doorway.

Immediately Dr. Wu's annoyance vanished, replaced with excitement as he stood up. Lowering his arm, he gestured to the chair across from him. "Ah, good! Come in, please. Have a seat, and do shut the door as you enter."

The woman nodded, though she did look somewhat apprehensive about shutting the door. Nevertheless, she obeyed, entering and closing the door. That infernal light was finally gone. Dr. Wu sighed in relief, sitting down heavily almost at the same time as the woman did. Said woman had some difficulty getting into the chair, as she couldn't see it in the darkness that was Dr. Wu's office. 

"So, what have you found out about my creation's whereabouts?" Dr. Wu asked, excitement evident in his voice as he waited for an answer. 

"It visited Orick again," the woman replied, handing Dr. Wu a folder. Immediately taking it, the scientist opened it, revealing pictures of deep claw marks on the wall of a library, leading from a skylight to the floor. A few more pictures were there, including a skylight that had been pulled from its frame. There was also a few sheets of paper, detailing InGen's findings. Dr. Wu read through it all, his excitement fading to disappointment when nothing detailing his creation's current whereabouts emerged. But he couldn't help but wonder what his creation was doing at a library? It could read, that was obvious from the evidence he'd gathered. Was it...researching?! The mere thought that his creation was intelligent enough to do such a thing made him excited again. Of course, he had no proof that it was true, but he couldn't help but think: If it's that smart, then I have truly created a masterpiece. Even though it's only a prototype. I can't begin to fathom what the finished version would be capable of... It filled him with excitement and wonder for a moment.

Then he remembered. All of his notes, all of his research, the last remnants that he possessed of his creature had been destroyed. If anything had survived, it had surely been seized by the authorities. If he was going to finish his creation, he needed the prototype. He needed it. The future of InGen-his future-depended on it.

The folder closed in his hands as he handed it back to the woman in front of him. "Any news as to where my creation has gone?" he asked, a small, vain spark of hope igniting inside of him that maybe the folder had not included everything.

Unfortunately, that spark was snuffed out by the woman's response. "No, sir." She shook her head. "All we know is it went north."

Disappointment made Dr. Wu's eyebrows sink. Then he abruptly stood up, his chair violently shoved back into the wall behind him. The woman jumped in alarm, looking up at him with obvious fear in her eyes. 

"Send out all the scouting teams. Tell them to comb every inch of that forest, to leave no rock unturned nor bush unsearched. Tell them to find any evidence of my creation and to report it as soon as they have done so. If possible, they are to try and contain it for transport back here. Got it?"

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