Chapter 9

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A few moments passed without a word from either of us. Finally, Blue mustered the willpower to speak.

"You're the...thing I smelled at the mansion," she said, her words and smell betraying her fear.

"Yes," I acknowledged, still pinning Blue to the ground. "Why are you following me?"

Blue tried to struggle, but I had pinned her too well. I dug my claws in to reward her efforts, forcing her to stop. She gave me a defiant look, which made me chuckle. Blue was a stubborn creature. I respected that. I was plenty stubborn, myself.

"Well?" I asked after a moment. Blue sighed.

"I smelled Owen's scent on you, so I followed you," she finally spoke. "What have you done with him?"

"You think I did something terrible to him, do you?" I growled, glaring angrily at her. "Well, for your information, I haven't even laid a claw on him. You can come see for yourself if you don't trust me."

I knew she didn't trust me, but that was the point. If Owen saw Blue, then maybe his mood would improve.

"Y-You'll take me to him?!" Blue exclaimed in disbelief.

"Sure," I replied, "if you promise not to hurt anyone."

Blue hesitated. "How can I trust you?"

I sighed before getting off her. Blue immediately leaped to her feet and glared at me. Not knowing exactly what she would do next and assuming the worst, I braced for her to charge.

Which was exactly what Blue did. With an angry screech, Blue leapt at me, claws outstretched. Everything slowed down, and I saw Blue moving slowly closer, though for her she was racing at me. I easily dodged the attack before grabbing her tail and hurling her into a tree. A loud noise filled the air as an enormous crack appeared in the wood. Blue, having hit the tree headfirst, was instantly knocked out.

I walked up to Blue's unconscious form and winced at the enormous lump on her head. Someone was going to have a massive headache when they woke up. No matter. She would be fine in a week. Well, I hoped she would. 

Moving my arms under her, I lifted Blue up and began carrying her the mile back to Owen's half-finished cabin. I was sure that Blue would be overjoyed to see Owen again, and the raptor trainer would feel likewise. 

Around five minutes later, I strolled into the clearing and approached the cabin, where Owen was working. His back was to me, so I crept silently up behind him and waited.

I waited for over ten minutes until Owen finally turned. When he did, he shrieked in surprise and dropped his hammer, which unfortunately landed on his big toe. 

"OW!" Owen yelled, hopping on one foot while clasping his other foot in his hands. "Ripper?! How long have you been there, and why are you carrying Blue?"

It was very hard for me not to burst out laughing on the spot, but I managed to contain myself. With what I hoped was a straight face, I replied, "Ten minutes, and she ran into me."

"Ran into you?"

After I had recounted the events leading to that moment, Owen whistled. "Damn. I never thought Blue would be bested by anyone."

I snorted. Owen chuckled before motioning to his RV. "Put her down outside. I don't need her attacking anyone if we set her inside."

I nodded before walking over to the RV, Owen following me. He spread out a blanket on the soft dirt, and I set Blue down on it. 

"Thanks," Owen said. I simply flicked my tail at him before climbing inside the RV. As I did so, I heard Owen mutter, "Blue is going to be pissed."

Blue could be as pissed as she wanted. Served her right for underestimating me.

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