Chapter Four

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A/N: before I begin the chapter, I wanted to let you guys know that in this story none of the Harry Potter characters dies except Voldemort, and Hogwarts created another year for the students that missed it because of the war.

I open my eyes and wake up with a pounding in my head. I think I'm in a room, but I can't tell for sure. It was dark and cold. I stand up and scream in pain. My whole body ached at the sudden movement. Suddenly I hear a meow. Like a cat. I shook my head and squint my eyes forcing them to see through the dark. Suddenly, I hear the sound of the door opening and turn my head. A figure emerged from the door, light from the hallway came through. I recognized him. His name was Argus Filch; he was the caretaker of Hogwarts.

"Follow meh" he says. We walk through the corridors and pass the moving stairs towards Dumbledore's office. Now I'm confused. Filch nudges me and pushed me inside, closing the door in front of him.

"Good evening Percy, sit down we have lots to talk about" he says. I don't move. I could tell he was nervous. "Very well, why were you in the restricted section at the library Percy"

"I was curious" I answer.

"It's restricted for a reason; you're not allowed to enter" he takes a deep breath. "The pain you felt when you entered it's called the Sectumsempra spell. You lost a lot of blood." I look down and my whole body was covered in blood, I didn't even notice. "I must apologies for the way Professor Snape handled the situation." He continued. "However, we must advice you not to break anymore rules or there will be severe consequences" 

I headed back to my room, everyone was asleep, so I don't think anyone saw me.

The Next Morning

My body was still in pain, I didn't have the energy to go to class, so I decided just to skip it and stay in my room. The whole day I thought about Annabeth, it hurts how much I miss her. I need to find a way to talk to her. Four hours later, when the students were eating lunch at the dining hall, I sneaked out of my room and went to the library, there must be something there that could tell me how to contact her. 

As I expected, the library was empty I made sure, no one was hiding in the shadows when I leaped through the rope that was in front of the restricted section. I looked in there for ten minutes I think until I found a book called 'The Chamber of Secrets.' I took the book and ran as quickly as possible to my room. It was hard to decipher the text, but after five hours of trying I figured it out.

'The Chamber of Secrets was created under the Dungeons of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during Medieval times by Salazar Slytherin, who disagreed with the other Hogwarts founders on the merits of Blood Purity. That Chamber was home to a monster — a Basilisk — that was allegedly supposed to purge the school of all Muggle-borns. Only the Heir of Slytherin could open the Chamber of Secrets, through the use of Parseltongue. The Chamber was opened during the 1942–1943 school year by a sixteen-year-old teenager by the name of Tom Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort. Riddle located the secret entrance to the Chamber of Secrets during his research on his heritage and was able to control the Basilisk as he was the Heir of Slytherin. The Chamber was re-opened by Ginny Weasley. Opening the Chamber of Secrets let the Basilisk come out and made people look at it in different ways which Petrified many students, including Colin Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley ... and Hermione Granger. Rumor has it, whoever opens the chamber again, will be granted one wish from the spirit of Salazar Slytherin in the lynth box.

I read the text again to make sure I was seeing this right. If I could open the chamber again, I could finally see Annabeth. I mean, what could go wrong?

A/N: super short chapter pls don't come for me ill update tomorrow <3

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