Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Okay before I begin this chapter I want to say thank you to the people that messaged me and keep supporting me. I appreciate you guys so much and I promise I will start to update more frequently <3. 


Percy had been in the interrogation room for six hours and twelve–no, thirteen– minutes. The officers kept asking him questions, not just about the murders, about Voldemort too. Which he found ridiculous given the fact that he never met the guy. After a while of going back and forth and him not revealing anything, they gave up. Percy knew they were tired too, he glanced at the clock on his way out, it was 3:02am.

While walking away from the police station he noticed how different Hogsmeade was at night. The streets were dead empty like a ghost town and he couldn't hear a sound other than the wind. He walked through the town admiring the Christmas lights. Christmas used to be his favorite holiday, he always spent it with his mom or Annabeth. But this year it felt different. It was different. He missed his old life, camp half-blood, his friends, he even missed camp Jupiter. But after what happened with Annabeth he wasn't sure he could ever go back. It was like one minute he finds himself doing okay, but then it all just starts hitting him again and he starts to realize he's not okay at all, never was.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a familiar feeling. The Riddle House stood right in front of him, looking creepier than ever. The lock on the gate was opened which made Percy spiral. Was there someone in there? Percy figured it was none of his business and that he should keep walking, but as he stared into the unlocked gate he felt like it was begging him to enter. So he did.

As he walked inside he noticed the sticky cobwebs draped over the door's metal frame. He wasn't surprised to find it was also unlocked. Percy walked into the inside of the manor admiring the old, shredded curtains that hung from windows left and right, foreign liquid dripped from ceilings onto the floors and ancient chandeliers hung from the ceiling, almost breaking off.

The broken wooden floor creaked as he walked through the house. The old mansion was filled with dust and mist, along with the faint smell of death that hung in the air. It wasn't long before he felt the presence of someone behind him.
"You shouldn't be here," a voice said, Percy turned around, ready to fight however it was, until he realized it was just Hecate.
"Yeah well from what I know you shouldn't either"
"I can do whatever I want. I am a god."
Percy huffed, "Yeah a minor one."
Hecate glared at him with a look that should've scared anyone who hasn't fought a god before. "What are you doing here Percy Jackson?" she asked.
"I don't know. But I'm guessing you do."

Hecate winked at him in satisfaction, "Of course I know. This house belongs to you. You've kept your wizard blood well hidden over the years, it's only fair you start to feel it now."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"You have no idea how much power you have, do you?" She raised her eyebrows, "If being son of Poseidon wasn't enough, you also are related to one of the most powerful wizards of all time. The Gods should have been scared of you Percy, but they don't realize how dangerous a wizard can be yet, they see them as humans but with silly little wands. You are much more than that. When your mother was born and Tom Riddle realized she didn't possess the gift of magic, he tried to kill her several times, that was until he started having visions."
Percy tilted his head, "Visions?"
"Of you. Of what you would become. So he spared his daughter in hopes that one day you would help him regain power. He was the only one who knew about the existence of the Gods, well...he knew about me."
"Wait, he knew you?" he asked in disbelief.

Hecate nodded, "When he was born, I had this gut feeling that he would ruin everything I worked so hard for, this whole society. When he was 16 I tried to convince him to stop. I told him that what he was planning on doing was wrong even to me, but it was useless. Once that boy set his mind into something there was no going back. He had a lot of potential but he used it for the wrong things. I even found myself caring about him which was... preposterous. That was until he turned into that monster; Voldemort."
Hecate wiped a gold tear off her face, "Never spoke to him after that. And somehow you remind me of him so much."
From all of his interactions with Gods this was the first time Percy ever saw one cry, it felt really weird to him. "I'm not like him. I don't want to be" he sneered. 

Strange Ties--Percy Jackson/Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now