Lets toast to Life

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I wake up this morning and I reach over and call my sister.

Rory answers the phone happily, she must already have coffee in her system.

" Happy Birthday SIS!!" I yell through the phone

Rory laughs," Happy Birthday right back at ya, how does it feel being 24...God, we are old."

" I know right, except I feel young here in Seattle as most of them are 26ish," I say

" Okay, call me later but we are arriving at a new campaign spot and I have to go." Rory says apologetically, as I hear voices in the background.

" Yeah of course. Have fun, love you." I say as she hangs up the phone.

I slip out of the bed, and start to get ready, before hopping in my car and driving to hospital.

When I arrive I wait for Alex. When he pulls in, I tell him to hurry up.

He reaches in his car and pulls out a nice creamed coffee and hands it to me.

I smile at him with a questioning look.

" happy birthday" He says with a small smile.

" Yay, you remembered." I give him a hug.

" Yah, its not big deal." Alex says.

" Yes it is, I cant believe you actually remembered. Congratualations, you are the first person besides my sister to wish me a happy birthday." I say, as we enter the building.

" So Izzie?" I ask

Yesterday me and Izzie were on the Quints case, but everyone was needed. Alex had bad day, and ended up in bed with stupid nurse Olivia.

" Yeah, she wont talk or be in the same room as me. We are done. It was stupid to even try to be in a relationship." Alex says

"No, it was stupid to sleep with Olivia. But maybe she will give you a second chance otherwise there are many girls out there who would love to be with you. " I say.

We are about to enter the locker room, when I hear my name being called.

I turn around and see Addi.

She comes up to me and gives me a hug," Happy Birthday kid. I feel so old."

I hug her and chuckle," Come on you do not look a day over 50."

She gasps," bitch, I'm in my thirtys." She chuckles a bit

I just smile, and say thanks before heading into the locker room.

When I enter the locker room

Alex and I enter and wanders past them, George and Meredith are getting ready, Cristina is standing there eating chips out of a bag. Izzie is sitting against the lockers fast asleep

Alex (gestures to Izzie): You guys better wake her. If Bailey catches her sleeping, she's dead.

He walks away knowing people are upset with him.

Cristina: Izzie. (she kicks Izzie) Izzie.

Izzie (angry): Damn it, what?

Cristina (to George): Hell hath no fury like a girl whose non-boyfriend screws a nurse.

I nudge Christina hiding a smile

Izzie: Bitch. (She looks at me) What are you looking at?

Cristina (nods): I like you bitter and pissed off. You're almost like a normal person now.

We all walk off to rounds.

Bailey, Izzie, Meredith & Alex are entering a patient's room. George is already in there. Patient name is Carl Murphy who has enormous swelling, pooling of blood at his nose and finger. It is called melanoma

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