Stone Cold

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Disappearances happen. Pains go phantom, blood stops running, and people fade away.

Meredith is swimming and fighting. She emerges from the water and is trying to surface. She is unaware of the fact that Isabelle fell into the water, now unconscious.

There's more I have to say. So much more. But I've disappeared, and no one even knows.

Meredith sinks into the water and the water calms as bubbles appear.

I have fought my entire life to make it when tough times were thrown at me, yet now, is the time I really need to fight. I physically am unable. Isn't that a load of crap?


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Hundreds of feet above the air in the first class area of an airplane.

Flight Attendant approaches a couple: Can I get the two of you anything

The man responds: I will take a scotch neat

The woman: I would love a good martini

Flight Attendant: Will that be all

Man: Yes thank you

She walks away.

THe man turns to the woman: Emily, are we meeting Isabelle at her work or home?

Emily turns to the man: Richard, I already told you I wanted to be spontaneous and surprise her, so of course the hospital after dropping our stuff off at the hotel.

Richard: Living on the wild side are we?

Emily just smiles.


Derek is walking through the trauma scene talking to people he passes by.

Derek: You guys good? You ok? ( he sees a guy on the dock) Yeah, what do you got?

Paramedic: Severely severed leg but he's got his artery tied off so...something.

Derek: Yeah, who tied off the artery? (He looks at the coat on the businessman and sees Meredith's name badge) Dr. Grey? This is her jacket.

Paramedic: We found him like this. She must have moved on.

Derek: Yeah, ok. (Derek looks up and sees Lisa standing there all alone.)

Doctor: Doc?

Derek: Yeah. What is it? Just stabilize the fracture and get him to the hospital as soon as possible. (He makes his way over to Lisa) Hi. Are you ok? Did a doctor bring you here? Huh, Meredith? Meredith ok?

Lisa shakes her head no while Meredith is underwater. She is no longer swimming or struggling in any way. She is merely sinking, with Isabelle's bodily fight to float starting to diminish, so she begins to sink as well.

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