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Logan has been staying at the Empire hotel now for 3 weeks, turns out he actually was coming up here for a work conference which turned into lots of contract signings, negotiations, and whatever else he does, and seeing me was just a perk. Whenever I have any spare free time I am hanging out with Logan, as he just feels like  a breath of fresh air for me. He promised he would stay until my birthday, which is today. Surprise, today is my 25th birthday. Not only do I turn 25 today, but I also just inherited a quarter of a million dollars from my Great Grandmother Lorelai Gilmore, talk about a big birthday gift. But that's not even the crazy part, it turns out that my Hayden Grandparents upon Straub's passing left 10 million dollars in my trust fund. Straub Hayden was an attorney along with owning a family business carried for generations. I know my dad got most of the money, but I just found out a couple years ago that I would also receive a heavy amount of money.

I walk down to the kitchen today and get a jump scare when I see Logan sitting at the counter drinking coffee with the rest of my roommates.

I look at him as he hands me some tea," What are you doing here?"

He smiles and gives me a hug, " Happy 25th Birthday to you too."

I join everyone at the table, a chorus of Happy Birthdays filling my ears.

I smile politely, " Thanks..."

Logan smirks," So how's the rich life going now."

I look at him with a glare while some people look at me confused, " Same old, same old" I say as if what he was referring to was the same everyday money I had of a doctor.

He chuckles and shakes his head, " I just came to say that I was looking and their are some nice apartment listings and that my meeting back in California got moved up so I have to catch an earlier flight. I feel horrible, but I had to stop by and say hi, while telling you that getting your own place could be a very positive experience."

Meredith shrugs, " I dont mind sharing a place its homey."

Logan gives her a glare, " I called someone up to come visit and help with realatoring."

I raise my eyebrows at his made up word before escoritng him out of the house to drop him off at his car.

I get to Logan's car which is already packed, " Be safe, take care of your broken bones okay?"

Logan chuckles," yes mom"

I hit him on the shoulder and gave him a hug as he said,''I am serious about finding your own place, you have the money now to do it comfortably. You should not be living in this frat house, your 25."

I sigh, " I know, but all my friends are here, and I have never lived alone"

Logan," See there's this ancient machine called a car that can get you places to visit your friends. Plus get a roommate if you so desire or get a dog."

I smile," i can't get a dog, I am a doctor, barely home."

He shrugs," then a fish."

I smile and push him into the car," by Logan."

He closes the door and says," Bye, Iz, Happy Birthday."

I go back inside and go to work doing the research of what to do with my money now inherited. I decided that I will talk to my financial advisor and will invest 1 million in stocks, and then 4 million dollars in bonds to be worth around $200,000 annually. I will have my financial advisor manage these to make sure all is good and inform me when I should sell and buy. THen I will put 2 million dollars just in savings, along with investing in real estate to buy an apartment. I decide that I will start looking at real estate righting away willing to  pay extra to move. Logan is absolutely right. I need to get a place, and I need to do this fast; but I really am not one to live by myself so that is why I am going to ask Christina to move in with me. ( In this story she does not ever live with Callie, Callie has her own place.) Which is good that Christina is currently not working today, so she is free to go house shopping.

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