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It is a New Year, and I now have to return to work. New Year's eve was amazing, I was dancing, shouting, drinking, and laughing with Addison. I don't think I have had that much fun in about well I don't know at least in a while.

I now get the amazing opportunity to head back to work. I know I am ecstatic as well.

This morning we experienced more problems with the dog doc, so that was eventful.

I am  watching at the Chief is standing up on some stairs in the lobby talking to a crowd of interns and doctors that are standing at the base of the stairs. Meredith walks up to the crowd and stands next to Alex and I who are already standing there

Richard: Listen up people. New Year, new rules or should I say New Year and we will be enforcing the rules mandated by the residency review committee. There were too many mistakes made last year. (Alex looks down at this) Fatigue played too big a role. Exceeding 80 hours per week will not be tolerated.

George (whispers to Izzie): Does that mean we actually get to have a life?

Izzie: I think so.

Richard: Sullivan, you were on-call for 28 hours, leave when you hit 30. Grey you were here to 2am last night, see you at noon.

Meredith (to Alex): I get to go? Free time?

Alex: Run before he changes his mind.

(Meredith leaves) Richard: Oh and people our nurses are gonna have to work extra hours to compensate so treat them well. Cranky nurses don't do us any good.

The crowd disperses and Izzie and George walk past Alex.

Izzie (to Alex): Well maybe you can cheer them up.

(George chuckles, I hit him to stop, then Alex gives her a look. Izzie stops walking and turns around)

Izzie: You know what? My New Year's resolution was to let it go, and I am.I have...let it go. I apologize. (They all start walking down the hallway together)

George (amazed): You do?

Alex smirks at George

Izzie: I do. How'd your test go?

Alex: I feel pretty good about it but I won't know for a few days.

Izzie: Well we're all pulling for you.

George: We are?

Isabelle:well of course.

Izzie: We are. (Burke is performing surgery in the O.R with another doctor. Cristina is standing a few feet away watching)

Isabelle: Well I am in the ER, see you guys later.

In the ER, I first treat a man who needs stitches in his lip. He slipped in his kitchen which resulted in him biting a hole in through his lip.

I then move onto the next person needing sutures and stumble upon a familiar face.

"Kate? Hey."

Flashback to a couple months ago at Natalie and Connors wedding.

It was the reception, and I was so excited because I have not seen him since spring break my senior year of college.

ALex and I were walking around after my entrance and dinner had happened. I gave my speech, first dance was completed and now it was just time to party.

Finally I spot him, with a gorgeous blonde.

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