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Vic's POV

Kellin and I have been living together happily. We share our gasses and have a lot of fun with it but it's way more love than lust. We really love each other and I hope that never changes and he doesn't get bored of me. I can't imagine not having his beautiful eyes in my life. He still continues to go to work with me and we still go on dates. He makes me feel so safe and loved and I hope he feels the same about me. I just love him so much and I never want him to leave. He's my adorable smelly Kelly and I want to love him for the rest of my life. Maybe get married and have kids. Maybe just maybe but I still love him.

Kellin's POV

I'm so happy that I moved in with Vic. Life has been so much happier and more peaceful with him. Things were getting kinda annoying at home with Nick and Justin anyway. I honestly still kind of hate them despite their apologies. I was sick of being embarrassed of my farts. I always tried to hide them from everyone. I thought I would never have anyone love me with my stomach issues. I learned how to not care too much and manage my gas but it was still nerve racking. Vic makes me feel so comfortable to be myself and I'm so thankful for that. I love him so much and I'd never leave him for anything.


   Word Count: 253

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