Chapter 1

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I stretch and feel warm rays of sun on my face. What a great day to be alive.

I don't really want to open my eyes, though. It's perfect just like that. I feel the sheet covering only my legs, but it's not cold around at all.

I sigh and sit up, still without opening my eyes. I still have the rest of my dream stuck on my eyelids, and it'd be great if it stayed like that, but beautiful pictures fade away soon after.

Now I have to open my eyes. In front of me is a huge window, and from that high up I can easily admire the sunrise - even this miracle is boring after hundreds of days of looking at it. Jeez...

I turn around and see my what's so called 'husband', looking at me with his lifeless eyes. He's standing by the bed, where I told him to stand every morning. It's... more convenient, not gonna lie. I stand up and smirk, approaching the marionette. I run my finger along his sharp jawline, but then I immediately feel disgust in my stomach. This idiot is having a meeting with some important businessmen and I need to guide him, again. Good thing I did it dozen of times. 

He stands still as I dress up and put my black gloves on - they have fingertips uncovered, and their only role is to cover my tattoos on palms. It's because they glow slightly when I control someone through their body - and we don't want anyone to see that something's off.

"Would you be so kind and turn on the TV?" I say with an overly sweet voice as I try to take proper care of my hair. The silence of the room is replaced now with a very serious voice of news redactor, echoing across the room from big television.

"A tragedy in Venice, Italy, has shocked many citizens. There were fifteen deaths, and around hundred people stuck on the floating island. Thankfully, the Kingdom and VALORANT took care of the chaos very fast. Today is one year after this tragedy. Now, Ellie will talk with the survivors of this catastrophe." The man says, and that's when my husband turns off the TV. I didn't even want to tell him to do that, I just ordered him through the invisible string that connects us. The fact it's so popular to talk about the Radiants now is concerning. Everyone's fascinated by the gifted, but it's quite obvious the fear comes first.

Ask me if I'm okay.

"Are you okay, darling?" A deep, soothing voice gets into my head.

I could kill this man right now. No one would even suspect. I could make it look like a suicide.

Take the gun out of the drawer by your bed.

I snap out of it when I hear polite knocking on the door. Telling my doll to quickly put the gun away and hide it again, I open the door and see the kindest maid I've ever met. She smiles brightly, and so do I. The only person in my life right now that makes me happy, although we don't know each other too well. I don't even know her name.

"Good morning. Mr. Gold will have a meeting in fifteen minutes. How are you feeling today?"

"Just great, dear. I'll make sure Andy will be ready soon enough." I say in soothing voice and look over to my smiling husband, who just bowed slightly to the maid.

"Gosh, Mr. Gold really changed after he married you... Thank you." She whispers, cracks a small smile once again and disappears.

I hope she won't uncover me, so I won't have to kill her.

I sigh deeply and activate my ability, so that the string that connects us becomes visible now. I point a finger at him, my body disappears from the real world, but my spirit gets into his mind and controls his body now. It takes me a second to get used to his height and weight. When I feel I'm ready, I look at the slightly shining sign I left on the floor and cover it with a carpet. The sign is identical as I have on my hand. That's the only thing that could intrigue the Radiant hunters.

In my husband's body I head out and walk to the meeting room. I spot a few people... Quite familiar ones. I can't really tell where I've seen them. When I enter I greet them shortly and nod. I studied the documents yesterday and I know exactly what to talk about... right? I look them in the eyes and start talking fluently about sales. They all keep straight faces, but I spot weird sparkles in their eyes. My favourite maid walks in as well and brings in coffee for my husband's guests, then looks me nervously in the eyes. I remember now, she's scared of him.

"Thank you." I nod gently, but I see her opening her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but it got stuck in her throat. I frown, looking at her carefully then finally notice the tension between us all. I mean, I didn't really pay attention to that until now - they're all very cautious. I straight up, clear my throat and speak in a steady voice. I'm so grateful for my marionette's ability to speak surely even when his heart is about to explode.

"Is there any problem?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing... It's just the fact, that we actually asked you to talk about VALORANT's mission sponsoring." A woman with her thick, black hair braided looks me dead in the eye. She's, I'm assuming, from China. Wait... "Not about cooperation between your brand and The Kingdom. " She frowns and I realise they just trapped me like a rabbit. Brimstone, who is the head of the VALORANT is sitting right beside her, his hair just put back and beard gently trimmed. Sage, who's just spoken to me, just changed her hairstyle, which made her unrecognisable. I've been outplayed. "We gave a message to your maid to give straight to the boss, and he took it, but didn't even look at it. You set him as a guardian during the time you were sleeping. Nice one. And your maid gave y o u a file about cooperation. You were a bit too comfortable here. Your marionette... which I assume he is right now, doesn't have a mind of his own for quite a while, so we knew he wouldn't remember anything, really. Now, will you be so kind and not oppose. We'll take you to the place you belong, miss."

I do what I've already been planning for a bit of time. I just knew it wouldn't last forever, that they would catch up to me and force me to go with them.

I put a hand into my pocket and take out a pocket knife, firstly aiming my swing at the maid that was right behind me. The moment of hesitation has its consequences and my hand that was holding a knife gets shot through. The thing falls out of my hand as I let out a hiss, but my thinking is quicker than theirs this time. I take a glass and break it against the table, not even caring that some pieces hurt me slightly. I take the longest piece and pierce my heart with it. Before his body dies I leave it, and get back to the place I disappeared from. Now the sign disappears and I have a carpet on my head. I take my emergency bag (yes, I'm ready for everything!) and leave the room. Luckily it's pretty far away, and I cover half of my face with a mask. You know, skyscrapers are strangely designed in Split - there are offices, meeting rooms, apartments and anything you could imagine really in one place. I once even went to the swimming pool on the 24th floor.

They alarm the whole building that there's the Radiant in it. I spot an increased number of guards, but gosh, it's so easy to make them look away. I don't know what they're thinking, really.

I get into the elevator and not even pay attention to the man standing beside me. I jump when he speaks.

"Excuse me, [y/n]?" His French accent is recognisable everywhere. Vincent*, my really old friend. Back stabber. Egoistic a... "I never thought you were working here."

"I'm not. I'm married to the CEO now, Vinc." I sigh and correct a strand of my hair that bothered me. "I'm not talking with traitors, you know that, right."

"Yes, I do. I'm terribly sorry." Awkward silence falls between us. "Where are you going?"

"None of your business."

"Alright. I apologise." He grabs my neck from behind and holds it very tightly. "Radiant."

My heart skips a beat and my eyes go wide. They got me again.


*Vincent Fabron - It's a speculated name for Chamber. :)

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