Chapter 10

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Last night was a nightmare. I couldn't even get a blink of sleep- the image of a dead body still stayed fresh in my mind. I couldn't get rid of it and I knew it would be a miracle if it just went away.

The worst thing is, however, that I am supposed to do my work for Chamber today. I pour myself a cup of coffee and groan, looking at the clock. Seven in the morning. Instead of actually resting up and making sure I'll be alive for the event, I decided pulling an all-nighter would be better, and now I feel like a zombie.

A knock on the door, however, wakes me up in an instant. I walk over to it and open it, and there stands Chamber. A copy of him, to be precise.

Today, he's wearing an elegant shirt, but no tie or waistcoat. He stands there for a moment and looks at me, then sends me a shy smile.

"Well, good morning to you, sleepyhead." He lightly chuckles, seeing the look on my face. His gaze slowly wandered to the hand in which I held the cup. "Morning coffee. Do you mind if I join you?"

"Of course not." I reply immediately, letting him into my apartment. He looks around and acknowledges the mess I've already managed to make throughout these past few days. I'm not too embarrassed about it, though. They let me live here and I'll use this apartment as I please.

"It's quite interesting that you accommodated here so quickly." Chamber says, pouring himself a coffee as well. He didn't even let me do that myself, he just passed me and prepared a drink.

"Ah, you know, if you're constantly on the move, all around, and jump from country to country... It doesn't matter after a while. You just get a temporary home and stay there for as long as you're allowed to." Shrugging it off I take a seat at a table. Soon, Chamber joins me.

"I see. How come VALORANT never actually captured you? It's even quite funny that you managed to run away from them for such a long time." He cracks an amused smile and plays with the mug in his hand. True, I've been escaping them since the discovery of my supernatural abilities. I knew this organization would try to capture me sooner or later, but at least I was prepared for it.

"I'm just smart."

He scans me with his eyes from down to up, then smiles. Yeah, he definitely approves of my words, I can tell.

"I heard you killed a man yesterday. Why did you react the way you did, so sensitively?" The copy asks in a quieter voice. I can see that weird spark in his eye. Is this what interests him now?

"I never really killed a person directly. I mean, now I did." I clench my jaw and feel the pain it causes. This man stresses me out.

"Alright..." His voice sounds absent, as if he was noting that fact down in his mind. "Well, do you feel ready to go and infiltrate Fracture? We'll guard your body while your conscience is elsewhere. We caught a scientist for you to control and his ID." His smile doesn't match the words that leave his mouth at all. I wince a little and watch the black liquid dance a little in a mug. I need to use a person, again. Not like it's my first time - but I still feel a little weirded out by the fact that I need to change minds. Everyone has different thoughts, feelings, memories, relationships. It's hard to learn them all just at once.

Despite all my hesitant thoughts, I only nod in response to his question. So this is it - I'll be getting to Fracture and ripping it apart until I get all the information I need. Not what I need, but what the Chambers need. I'm just a pawn in this game.

"Great. Let me lead you to him." The copy stands up and helps me move my ass off the chair I was sitting on. Truly, I appreciate his assistance cause I was nowhere close to getting up on my own accord.

It takes some time until we reach the underground of the facility. Dark corridors add a bit of this dramatic look, but other than that... Normal basement. I bet no one really uses it even, so the Chambers had all of it to themselves. They created cells that subdue radiant abilities and are basically impossible to break through. I mean, never say never, however when I look at the material that they're made of, I cannot recognise it. And believe me, I've seen a lot.

Fake Vincent finally opens one of the cells and points at the human sitting in the shadows.

The scientist is sitting in a corner of his cell, sobbing and shaking from the cold. He was taken out of his bed forcefully, so he's still in his pajamas. No wonder he's shivering so much.

"We'll give him some proper cover later, don't worry. Our priority is to know whether you can handle someone with such mind. Go on, try him out."

The way the copy said it just makes me feel bad about myself. Who's truly the villain here? I'll be using this man as my toy now, just to see whether or not he works out. I mutter a soft apology as I kneel down on the ground, taking control of him. Slowly, I tide our bonds and make sure they're steadily connected- then, I enter his head. Everything seems like a time consuming process as I talk about it, but in reality everything happens surprisingly quickly. In no time I take over his consciousness and now everything hits me at once. I feel the freezing cold he feels, I feel as if I'm sleepy because of the sudden awakening, I feel fear of what comes next. Now, the hardest part - I need to realize it's not me. I need to 'tell' my mind that I have nothing to worry about.

He does.

One breath in, one breath out.

Repeat a few times until you are totally calm.

I look up and see Chamber and my body next to him, still kneeling down with closed eyes. I try to smile and nod, to show him that I made it - this person hardly had any barriers I had to break. A perfect match.

"Bravo. I'm... Impressed." He says shortly, then points at the door. "Are you able to walk?"

This specific body is actually surprisingly very obedient- I make it move towards the exit and after a while I gain full ability to move around. It's like learning to walk all over again, but way faster. I've done it many times before.

"Good..." His whisper sends a shiver down my spine. Now he seems like the evil one here,and as long as it's not me, that's okay. "Move, move. We prepared everything for you. Just get to Fracture and get to work." He smiles, cracking his knuckles. "I'm so glad we're working together, [y/n]. You're on the right side."

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