Chapter 6

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I open my eyes lazily. Another day came, and I am still here. 

Four days passed already, and Chambers already told me the role I will be playing in this scenario. I sigh heavily and keep on laying in bed, letting comfortably warm sheets hug me.  I frown slightly when I hear a front door open, but I do not move. It's probably Chamber. I could... try and take control of him? 

I close my eyes and focus on the energy that comes from that man that's in a salon. I do a quick jump and with ease I posses his body - because of the different leg length I stumble and fall to the countertop, trying to gain balance and confidence in movement - it doesn't work. 

I hit the floor and my glasses break, so I quickly take them off. I feel warm blood dripping out of cheek cut and hiss with annoyance. Why was he even here?

To wake me up? I don't know,  but I want to go and check out their apartament. 

I quickly make my way there and without knocking I get in.

"So? How are they?"

Copy's voice is hearable from the kitchen. I feel like I still look pretty wobbly, but I keep my composure as well as I can. 

"Good, I guess."

"You were supposed to check on them." He walks out of the room and raises an eyebrow, seeing how uncomfortable I am. He approaches me and smirks slightly. 

"Your headache is already gone?"

"Yes... yes, it is." I give up and feel as my shoulders fall. "Though I feel it'll come back after I leave his body."

"Leave his... body?" Chamber seems confused, and I realise I exposed myself - he didn't even mean my headache. "Oh..." Even slier smirk appears. "Welcome, [y/n]. How are you?"

"I'm quite well... Why was he supposed to check on me?"

"Well, you really overused your abilities recent days, because yesterday not only you had the headache but also a slight fever. He was supposed to see if you're a tiny bit better."

"Thanks for your concern, but I don't think I'm any worse." I try to take a step forward but feel as my legs tremble. When I look at Chamber, though, I feel a strange connection - theoretically he's just a copy of Chamber, but it's really weird to see him this way. Like the real one does. If I killed him, would he feel it as well? 

"So, what do you plan to do now?" The copy asks with a friendly smile, watching me learn to walk all over again.

"I have no idea... It's so weird to see you through his eyes."

"I know. I know it is." He says while nodding with understatement.

I make my way to a sofa and fall on it, tired from too many information at once. Chamber approaches me and hands a cup of tea, smiling gently at the sight of me. I smile back, but I can easily tell this one's face isn't used to honest smiles. It's more of a... Manipulative one that's grown on him.

"So, tell me, when are you heading to Fracture?"

"I need to find a victim for me to control. Then I can start working properly. "

"Did you get the files of possible targets?"

"Of course! The real Chamber handed it to me yesterday." I nod and sip a bit of tea.

"Ah, you still haven't opened it?"

"Bruh, no, I went to sleep." I smile, so he chuckles a bit again. 

"Can I see how your ability works?" He asks, putting the cup on a table in front of him. 

"Oh, sure, follow me." I stand up and keep my balance a bit better than before. I am already used to the fact I have to learn how to... learn. 

A moment after we find ourselves in my apartament, and I lead him to my bedroom. 

"Here, it's this glowing signature that tells me where I will be teleported after I leave his body." Speak of the devil, I feel him trying to push me out more and more. I choke that feeling inside, but his consciousness "awoke", and it's really hard for me to push it back. If he comes back, it will be pretty awkward. "He tries to get out."

"Let him, you need to rest... again. You overload yourself too much."

When I hear these words, I immediately surrender. I feel as he violently pushes me out, but also a new headache begins inside my skull. The real Chamber is standing next to me as I'm sitting on my bed, and the copy is smiling - he's amused. What's so funny about it?

"Wow, you gave us a show. Great. Now we have to postpone your mission just because of your reckless decision." Vincent says, then looks over at his partner. "Why did you just talk to her about this so peacefully? Gosh darn it, never ever try to take me by surprise."

"Sorry, I wanted to see what it's like. Decent human curiosity." I shrug.


"Your legs are like long sticks." I say, not even thinking of what I'm saying. "And you barely see without your glasses. I left you a wound under your right eye..."

"Thanks." He frowns and corrects broken glasses he put on once again.  "I will replace those." He looks over at the copy, and takes his glasses violently instead, right off of his nose. "That's for not helping me before." he says, putting copy's glasses on. Then, he turns at me. "Look through the files of possible candidates for your puppets, then we will talk." Vincent adds, then walks out.

Chamber's copy stays still and confused, not really being able to process what happened. Now he's the one with a bad eyesight, but all he does is smile slightly and approach me once again.

"We can go through those files together, you know..." He smiles friendly, then sits down beside me. 

"You sure? Don't you have better things to do?"

"Maybe, but for now I want to do this one. Then, you will help me with my weapon designs. Deal?" Offering this, he tilts his head to the side and watches me carefully.

"Why not!... I was curious anyways what you two do during these long days."

"Oh, you'll see." He smiles. "You will see."

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