Chapter 4

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Note: HEY! I decided I'd like to make [y/n] gender neutral :). Unfortunately I won't edit the whole Amped Up as it'd took too much time, but at least I can write this fanfic this way. I want it to be suitable for all readers, and if I use she/her anywhere please let me know - I'm used to using those :'D. Also, this chapter took me a long time to write, but I finally did it, there you go <3 It's a short one, unfortunately :')


I leave the flat and take a very deep breath. I look behind me at the door, then head to the suite next door. This one... I also rented...

I go inside, and there stands my copy.

"You're finally here. We shouldn't waste time." He says, correcting his glasses.

"I've acquired a new pawn for us. They can control the minds of others and enter them." Saying this, I point a finger at my forehead. "They should be useful."

"I hope you don't get distracted by them?" he asks with a wince.

"What do you mean, we're long gone. Just a deal now. I'll bring them back into the friendship a bit to make it work better, and then I'll push them away again. It really was lighter without them. I don't need a relationship again, to be honest."

"Well that's very good. I'm happy with your approach." He nods. "Where are they now?"

"Next to us. I rented that flat over there."

"Oh, that's why you left suddenly. We should continue our work." He takes the papers in his hand. "When can I meet them?"

Actually, I don't know if that's a good idea. The two of them meeting won't contribute anything anyway, and I have enough problems even without that.

I look at him for a moment, then shrug my shoulders.

"You don't have to meet her at all. They are just an extra, I'll keep them informed."

"Oh don't be so stiff anymore. I'll go see them tonight, bring some warm dinner."

"Damn manipulator." I smile fleetingly. "Fine, if you say so."

We sit down together again to work, considering all possible courses of action. We stole the blue prints a week ago, so we have all the paths laid out in detail.

Time passes very quickly and we have only just got the start of the plan. It will take us longer than we expected.

Copy seems a little absent-minded all the time, drifting his thoughts somewhere else. I don't know if it has to do with [y/n] or the fact that he is away from home. I've never asked him about his past and I don't intend to.

"By the way." He smiles, visibly pleased with something. He spreads his arms and his tattoos glow gold. Out of nowhere, a big gun appears, a sniper rifle, and everything about it seems to be alive. "I call it the Tour de Force." He smiles, and I just sit there delighted. A weapon like that... One shot and a man is dead.

"It'll sell like fresh rolls during the war. Now just cause it." I point to the plans with my finger and he just nods.

"Take a look at these weapons and I'll prepare something for dinner. For them."

"So you're going after all? I thought you'd shy away." I smile wryly.

"No, I'm very curious to see what kind of person they are." Saying that, he pulls ingredients out of the fridge and starts frying something.

"I didn't know you could cook." I admit, and he just glances at me surreptitiously.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me."

"Ah yes, playing mysterious." I tease, then take a sip of my already cold coffee.

"I'll prepare them something warm. Our relationship needs to be robust enough that we're sure they won't suddenly stab us in the back. What do they like to eat most?"

"I don't know." I furrow my eyebrows. I don't want to know. What for?

A sly grin creeps onto his face. "Well, tell me."

"[Favorite food]." I snort, then look at him. He seems pleased.

"Maybe I can manage to find everything I need in this fridge. Or something will be missing... I don't know. I'll do my best." After that, all I hear is him shuffling around the kitchen.

[Chamber copy]

It took me about two hours, but I finally finished my culinary masterpiece. Now I just have to go to them.

I announce this to the Chamber and then leave. I knock gently on the door and wait for an answer. I hope they're still inside...

The door opens after a while and I see a person looking at me suspiciously. I wave to them and I can clearly see their foreheads relax. They have recognised me.

They let me inside and I look around. This suite is minimally different from the one I'm staying in with Chamber.

"Why did you come here again?" they call back a little resentfully, but I smile in response.

"I'm Chamber from Mirror Earth." I bow gently, and the realilization hits them.

"Aah, you're the one Vincent was talking about."

"I'm Vincent, too."

"Vincent 1, then."

I snort, amused, then place the warm dish on the table.

"I brought this because I don't know if you've eaten anything warm today."

"Not really. Thanks for bringing it."

"This is [a favourite food]."

Their eyes widen in disbelief, then they smile widely. "Oh wow, thank you so much! This is my favourite, thank you...!"

Their joy... Is nice.

"I'll remember." I assure, then gently touch their shoulder. "Go eat while it's warm. I'll sit here with you and we'll talk, how about that?"

"I'd love to get to know you better. I hope you're a little different than... the original."


"I don't know what to call you... Haha..."

I smile sincerely, then nod. "Don't worry. We'll get to know each other better."

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