Chapter 3

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-Self harm

-Body Shaming

-Eating Disorder

-Self hatred


-Slight gore?


(Still Tommy POV)

I just couldn't get a peaceful night, could I? I get awaken by a door slamming open and I jump up. There I saw my dad holding an empty beer bottle and looking really angry. Before I could react he threw the bottle at me but it hit my wall and a piece cut my the skin in my left arm, not to deep tough. He then came up to me and said "You're really weak, you know that?" And then punched me in the face. "Since you're gonna be gone for 3 weeks tomorrow, I tought a last beating would be nice" he happily said. I could see him grin, it was sick and disgusting. Guess I'll just have to get another beating tonight.

After the beating I got up to my bathroom and what I saw where even more bruises and cuts I got from him. I bandage the bleeding arm and go to bed. Let's just hope tomorrow won't be to difficult.

I wake up by the sound of my alarm and make myself ready. I firstly put waterproof makeup on my face to hide the bruises and threw a red slightly oversized hoodie over my white t-shirt with some black jeans. Not ripped of course, they would see the bruises. I take my bag and when I go downstairs I don't see my dad anywhere. He probally went to the pub that night and hasn't come back yet. Easier for me, then I won't have to worry about Wilbur wanting to talk to his father. Then I suddenly hear my doorbell ring and I excitingly run towards my door and open it. "Hey Wil!" I happily say. "Heya Toms!" Wilbur said with a bright smile on his face. "Do you have everything with you?" He asked me. I nodded. "Great, is it okay if I speak with you're dad for a bit first?" He said, called it. "Sorry Wil, he's at work" I lied. "So he just trusts you going with random adults on the internet going with you? Man, my parents would've never allowed me that, they would've killed me." He says, chuckling at the last part. Oh only if he knew how hard my dad would've laughed if something bad happened to me. "Yeah" I say with a forced chuckle. He looks a bit confused at me but tends to ignore it.

"Alright, come on then gremlin!" He said with a grin on his face. "Oi dont don't call me a fucking gremlin, man!" I say back, clearly not actually mad. I hop in the back and 5 minutes into the ride I ask if I can put music on. "Absolutely fucking not" Wil responded. "Why not, Wil!" I ask in a slightly more mad tone but not seriously. Then Roadtrip by Dream starts playing and I burst out of laughter. " PFFFTT- HAAHAHAHAAHAHAH" I said still laughing. "Come on, it's not that funny" Wilbur jokingly said rolling his eyes.

We are 10 minutes into the ride and I can hear Wilbur singing the lyrics of a song playing. I can't really hear what song his playing since I can't really hear so good now, probally because of the lack of sleep, since my father beat me up last night. All I can hear is Wilbur's smooth and calming voice as I suddenly feel my eyelids close and I fall to my left.

(Wilbur POV)

After tons of arguing about songs to put on we finally agreed to put Hamilton on. I was talking with Tommy about random stuff but later on I began singing along with the lyrics of the song. I was singing peacefully and wondered why it was so quiet so I turn the car mirror up to look what's happening at the back and I see a sleeping Tommy on the back of my car. A smile came across my lips and I decided I'll let him rest since there would be 20 more minutes untill they got to the bought mansion.

(Tommy POV)

I was sleeping peacefully untill I felt a gentle shake, when I opened my eyes I was met by the chocolate brown's of Wilbur. "Toms, were here." I heard him say and I nod. Getting up and taking my stuff out of the car. But what I see then is him helping me. Huh? Why would he help me? Don't think to much of it, Thomas. He's probally just extra pitying you. When we got the finall baggage out of the car we walk up to the front and I ring on the bell. 

When the door opened I was met with a tall man with pink long hair, a white button up shirt and black pants. "Yo" he said and I put my persona on. "AYYY TECHNO, MY MANN!!" I scream while walking into the house. There I am met with the one and only Philza Minecraft cooking lunch. Lunch. Fuck. Why didn't I think about this. How would I get out of eating. Then I see him come up to me. "Hey mate! Glad you could come. You can put you're stuff in you're room. Upside, at the very end off the hall. That's you're room. Then you can come join us for lunch." He said nicely. Shit. Lunch. Come up with a lie Tommy, come on, come on. Ah, got it! "Actually, Phil. I already ate before coming here. Thanks tough" I said with a bright smile on. Mainly forced but luckily he didn't notice. Wilbur and Techno were already sitting at the table for lunch. "Ah, okay that's totally fine. Just tell me if you are hungry, okay?" I nod. "Oh and also, could I set up my room please?" I ask politely since it's kinda a habit off camera and I could see he was a bit confused at that but shook it off and said "Sure mate, do you need help or-" I kindly denied the offer and got upstairs. 

I take all my stuff out and put it in order, I was nearly done since there was one thing left. My blades. I take them out carefully and go to my bathroom. I try to hide them opening the cabinet above the mirror and then look at myself. I look disgusting, fat and ugly. Everything about me is negative. They all pity me so much they just feel forced to stick around with me. But they'll eventually leave me because I'm a mistake. 

I look over at my blade and take it. One small cut. It's what I deserve. 1 cut turns into 2, 2 into 3, 3 into 4, and so I got 10 new cuts on each arm in total. I put my arms under the water hissing the burning sensation and bandage them up. I clean up the blood that dripped on the sink and walk out of the bathroom I wince at the pain in my arms for a little while but after around 10 minutes it got okay to handle. 

I set up my computer and streaming set wich took about an hour since it's just way to hard to remember. I decided to go to sleep since I was getting really tired. I put on a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. Then seeing my scars and bruises i decide to put my red hoodie over it again just for safety. I get into my bed and go to take a nap.

-1283 words

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