Chapter 6

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-Mentions of abuse

-Eating disorder (and mentioning it)

- Purging (and mentioning it)

-Mention of hate comments

I think that's all, enjoy!

(Tommy POV)

I go to my bedroom and start panicking. Maybe he won't confront me about it? Maybe he just wouldn't care. Or he'll just get disgusted and be mad at me for it. I can't stop thinking off all the things that could happen, my biggest hope is just that he wouldn't confront me for it. But there's no point in avoiding him now. We are gonna do a stream in half a hour anyways. I decide to check different social media's wich just result in me seeing another bunch of hate comments. I've seen far enough horrible comments that I don't feel tears anymore. I just feel sadness. Why can't I just be fucking normal? Then none of this would've happened to me. I am so lucky to have Techno, Wilbur and Phil. They just pity me to much to leave me. But I'm happy I at least still have them for now. I could keep them longer if they don't find anything yet. I fucking hate myself. I'm awfull. Now I am actually crying. I see tears drop on my blankets. I quickly wipe them away when I hear footsteps coming closer and closer. Then my door opened. It was Techno. "We are gonna stream now, you coming?" He asks. "Yep, I'll be there in a minute." I respond.

Phil clicks on the 'live' button and a lot of people are spamming something around 'OMG THE SBI ARE TOGEHTER IRL' we all laugh at the reactions chat is giving. We are currently streaming on Wilbur's computer. We just have a chill stream and answer questions people have. A bit after we decide to play some minecraft. I did get a lot of hate comments and got kinda sad because of that but I just ignore it. After a few hours we all end our streams and Philza tells us we are gonna get pizza delivered tonight and asked us what we wanted. I just try to think of the healthiest pizza that you can get. "I'll get a Caesars veggie pizza, please" I say to Phil. I'll just throw it up after. After a while we hear a doorbell. The pizza has arrived.

We sit on the sofa instead of the dinner table and this time we where watching The Squid Games. We switched places now so me and Wilbur sat on the couch and, Techno and Phil sat on the floor. I looked at my pizza is disgust. No matter how healthy the food is, it still contains fat, it makes it a little more okay to eat tough. But still not really. I suddenly hear Wilbur whisper "Just two slices" into my ear. I gulp and nod. Scared of what would happen next if I didn't. I eat the two slices and then emidiantley run up to my bedroom. Via my bedroom I run to my bathroom and make myself throw up. Tears prick in my eyes once again but then I see someone in the corner in my eyes wich made my heart stop. I see Wilbur standing there with a sad look. I panic and run out of the bathroom slightly pushing him aside. He then grabs my arm which I wince at at I feel a tear drop vrom my eye. Pulls me into a hug and wrapped his arms around me again, I flinch at the sudden touch and slightly start shaking. "It's okay Tommy, I'm not mad. Just please don't ever do that again. It's really unhealthy and I can feel that you're unhealthily thin." Unhealthily thin? He just be joking right. I am fucking overly fat. I however, still nod without responding. And take time to melt into the touch. It has been a long day. I decide to fall alseep in his arms once again. 

I wake up and feel that I'm still in Wilbur's embrace. A huge genuine smile forms on my lips. I see him also waking up not a lot of time later. "Tommy, we need to get you something to eat even if we start with something small." He said seriously. I really didn't want to but I had to. We go to the fridge and he asks me what in want. I took a deep breath and look at the smallest and healthiest thing that is in there and I point at the salad. He nods and gives it to me. I gulp and slowly eat the salad. I finish half of it and look at him in hope to get a nod of approval. But instead he shakes his head no and I look back at the salad. I eat the whole damn thing and then he smiles at me. I feel like I'm about to throw up. I was about to walk over to the bathroom to purge but then he grabbed my upper arm and said. "No purging." Ughhhhhhh

We decided to watch Hamilton again. We both sat on the couch under a blanket my head was leaning on Wilbur's shoulder but I didn't seem to notice that. After a half hour we hear footsteps coming downstairs and Then we see Techno. He look over at us and then at the TV " HEH?! HEH?! YOU'RE WATCHING HAMILTON, AGAIN?! Wilbur giggles at it but I flinch really bad instead. He screamed really hard. Just like my father. Wilbur didn't seem to notice this time, phew. But Techno fucking did because he suddenly stopped with the screaming and came over to us. He sat next to me and then whispered "Are you okay?" Into my ear. I just took a shakingly breath and nodded. He looks depended at me but then just looked away. 

(First Techno POV eyyy)

I was going downstairs, only to be met with Wilbur and Tommy watching Hamilton. AGAIN?! So the next words I say are. "HEH?! HEH?! YOU'RE WATCHING HAMILTON, AGAIN?!" I could hear Wilbur giggling at it but then I saw Tommy flinch. It could be a coincidence but it also could mean something else. Something bad. So I come over to them and sit next to Tommy. "Are you okay?" I whisper to him. I could hear him take a shakingly deep breath and then saw him nodding. He wasn't telling the truth for sure so I gave him a dependent look. Then I stare back to the TV.

(Tommy POV)

After a while we hear Phil coming downstairs. He asked us what we wanted for breakfast. I looked worried but not so that they could see it. Then I hear Wilbur say "Actually, I saw Tommy eating something already." and my heart bright up. "Oh, okay then" Phil says. And they all got to the breakfast table. I decide to watch some YouTube and just prepare myself later for the next 'Irl SBI Stream'.

Holy shit guys! Thank you so much for 215 reads! I really thought that no one would read this book. Thank you! :D

-1184 words

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