Chapter 9

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(Tommy POV) 

I woke up and grabbed my phone. It was still the same day but around 3 hours later. What happened again? (HMmMm I dunno u maybe like uh- got ur secret revealed😃 Ok sorry for breaking the 4th wall😭)

Then I remembered it.. Fuck. I let them find out. They weren't supposed to.

No way in hell I am gonna go downstairs. What am I gonna do? Wait, what if they called my dad to alert him of the bruises, he will be fucking mad at me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I decide there's only one thing I can do. I need to run away.

I grab the most important stuff I'm gonna need and stuff it in a backpack. I then open my window to gently jump out of it. Half my body was through the window but then I heard the door open and I couldn't believe who I saw..

It was Techno standing there, or well only for a bit. Not even 3 seconds passed and he already started running towards me. I panicked and jumped out of the window, only to hurt my legs fucking hard.

Even tough I hurt my legs I take all the power in me to run into the nearest forest I see. But when I look behind me, I saw Techno following me. Shit.

I turn left's and right's to shake him off wich worked after a while. I climb into a tree and hide in the leaves. I was breathing heavily now from all that running. When I finally got enough air trough my lungs my breathing got steady again. Just on time because on that moment I saw Techno walking here. 

I kept myself as quiet as I could. He screamed my name super loudly and hard. I flinched so hard that some of the leaves started moving.

He looks over at the tree and stares at it for a while. Almost like he's studying it.

I kept really still after that and I could feel my heart speed. He shook it off and walked away. I decide to stay in here until he goes back to the mansion. (Nono decide to get out of the tree ya know, WhAt cOuLd pOsSiBlY hApPeN?🤠)

After a while I see him gettingmout of the forest and walking to the direction of the mansion. I let a breath out I didnt know I was holding. But then I fell out of the high tree, fuck.

I land on the ground and began bleeding out of my right leg, my hoodie got stuck in the tree and my shirt was half ripped apart. Same goes to my pants. It was filled with holes now. Fuck. If they would find me like this they will find out that my arms and face aren't the only places that are filled with bruises and scars. 

Wait, no. That's not important right now. What's really important right now is that I need to make my leg stop bleeding.

I grab my backpack and get out a bandage and wrap it around the wound. I felt really tired and suddenly fell asleep. Only to wake up somewhere else. I panic and shoot up to see where I am and am totally in shock when I see where I am. I'm back in my room.

(Techno POV)

I run back to the mansion and scream for Wilbur and Phil. "Guys.. Tommy.. Forest.." I try to say but fail since I'm out of breath. "Woah mate! Take you're time to get a steadily breath again first." Phil said.

We didn't have time! But I did as he said because if I didn't it would take even longer, when I could properly breath again I explained what happened and we all ran out of the house to run to the forest. Only to get met with total shock because of the next thing we saw.

We saw Tommy laying there, his clothes torn apart wich revealed tons of bruises we didn't know about yet. He was sleeping with a backpack around his back and a bandage around his leg. We all stared in shock at the bruised boy. I picked him up and we walked back to the mansion and bandaged the bleeding leg. 

He has a lot of explaining to do.

(Tommy POV)

I got up and I decided i needed to take a shower first. If i could. When I got out I put on new fresh clothes and took time to realize everything that happened again. Fuck. Their gonna be mad at me. Their gonna hit me. Shit. What am I gonna do?

Suddenly the door got opened. I was met with the elder standing in front of me now. "Come downstairs, we need to have a serious talk." Phil said and I could feel my heart speeding up. Something bad's about to happen, to me.. (IF YOU KNOW THIS SONG REFRENCE I LOVE YOU💙💙 /PLANTONIC OFC)

Fuck. What am I gonna do now? I now learned that running away wasn't a good option and got downstairs, almost falling of the stairs because of how much I was trembling. I saw Wilbur Techno and Phil sitting at the kitchen table. I took a deep breath and sat down.


Hola, sorry that this chapter is short but I just like giving you guys cliffhangers y'know :D Because that's just how amazing I am😌

-909 words

We need to get you away from him. (Tommy Angst) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now