Chapter 12

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(Tommy POV)

"I-I'm sorry, sir" I said while still being in the embrace of the older man. Wait, I called him sir. Fuck, shit, fuck. Stupid fucking habits. I tried to leave the gentle embrace in order to prevent another confrontation. Then I felt Wilbur holding me back and making me sit down again. "Tommy, look at me." He said and I immediately looked at him scared of what would happen next if I didn't. Maybe I turned around to soon. Shit.

"Tommy, what's going on? Why would you think I'll ever hurt you? Why did you call me sir? And why did you emidiantley turn to look at me when I asked you?" He asked. I felt panic rise up to me and so I panicky answer. "I-it's nothing b-big m-man really- I-I'm fine-" He gave a dependent look. "Please tell me, Tommy. I'm really worried about you and I am even more for what caused this to happen." He gently said. I was panicking again, trying to find an excuse. When it kicked in. The lie I told at the kitchen table a few days ago. Or was it yesterday? I didn't remember but what I did remember was the lie and that's what mattered.

"Well you see, Wil. Like I told you before it's because of bullies." I said almost to confident. 

"Tommy please. We all know that's a lie. You look to confident for it to be true and you wouldn't think that people you love would hurt you because of that." (That's at least true for me when I got bullied-) He said. Fuck, why did he have to be so smart? I slightly gulp and look away. "I have to use the bathroom." I quickly said and left. 

I looked in the bathroom mirror. Fuck. What was I going to say? I was highly stressing right now. I look at the blade again. I haven't done it for a while now. I deserve it, it will help me calm down.

(We got not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 not 6 not 7 not 8 not 9 not 10- We got 10 cuts on each arm😅 Okay sorry sorry) I lay my arms under the sink and let the water run trough the cuts. Tears prick in my eyes at the painful experience but that emidiantley turns to panic as I find out my bandages are up. What? I thought i brought enough! And I don't have the money anymore to buy them. Shit. What the fuck am I gonna do now? 

Even more panic rises through me as I remember that Wilbur was waiting for me outside the bathroom. I just rolled the sleeves of my hoodie back down and hiss at the fabric making contact with the cuts. I knew there was nothing else I could do tough and carefully move out of the bathroom and sat next to Wilbur. I set my arms in some sort of position so they would be in less pain.

He looked at me confused and then stared at my arms. "Tommy give me you're arms." I started panicking and answered "W-Why b-big W? You a-already saw-" "Now." He interrupted me. I flinch and stick my arms out, emidiantley regretting it. He rolled up my sleeve and watched in absolute horror. I also looked at my arms and started panicking even more when I saw the cuts. They looked really fresh and totally self made, they where all open and some started bleeding again. "W-wil, it's n-not what I-it looks like, I s-swear!" I said in a rush but then I'm met with the sad eyes of the brunette. "Tommy, why?" He sadly asked me and I look down. I was speechless and knew I couldn't get out of this.

He'd probably find me even more disgusting now and leave me. I cringe at the tought. But I knew it was true. "We are going to bandage them right now." He sternly said. I nodded in fear and we got to his room. He gently bandaged my arms and looked me right in my eyes again.

"As I asked before, why?" The tall musician said. "I-I don't k-know.." I lied and looked away. "Okay Tommy, we'll talk about this later. Let's just get downstairs now." He kindly said and I agreed. I still didn't want to talk about this later tough.

We got downstairs and where met with the beach blonde and pinkette standing at the kitchen table picking out some board games. "Hey guys! Care to join us?" We agreed and sat at the table to play some games. 

After a while it was getting late and we all decided to go to bed. I still couldn't help but think of what happened tough. I'd have a lot of explaining to do and I didn't want to explain any of it. But I knew I had to. They where practically in charge of me for the whole meetup. I shut my eyes close in hope to get a good night rest. Wich I surprisingly am getting more often now.

I wake up by a ringing phone. With tired eyes I looked up to see who it was. My dad. Why the fuck would he call me?!

I pick up and hear him say. "Just making sure you didn't let anyone find out about what's happening at home since you always seem to fuck up everything, fucking mistake" He said- well more screamed wich made me flinch hardly. I responded quickly with a "No sir, I didn't tell them anything." "Good, because you know what would've happened next, Thomas." He said seriously but not gently at all. "Yes, sir." (Yessir, I had to say it)I said trying not to stutter and with that he hung up. Luckily. 

But what wasn't so lucky is that Wilbur suddenly came into my room and said. "Tommy, who where you on the phone with? Why did you call them sir?" Panic rushes through me as I say. "N-no one, j-just my boss" I respond fast, too fast. He gave me a serious look. "Tommy, your underage and even if you can get a job, you don't have one." He said. I panicky said "I-it's no o-one- just- j-just don't w-worry about i-it, o-okay?" "Obviously not okay, you just called someone sir and your panicking when I asked u about it. Not to forget I heard screaming through the phone!" The brunette screamed but right after he had a guilty look on his face when he saw me hardly flinch at it.

Hola amigos, just wanna say sorry if the chapter has a lot of spelling mistakes or isn't connected correctly. I made the second half of the chapter around 3AM and when I finished it I edited it emidiantley after also posting it now. Just wanted to inform you, have a great day/night!💙

-1152 words

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