The Christmas Tree

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A/n Image this as a Hallmark movie! Muggle Au

Draco pov

Me and my family got a tree very year. And this year was no different. Even though I was 20 and lived on my own.
"Hello, dear." My mum says as she sits down in front of me. We decided to meet up at my favorite coffee shop, The beans.
And one more thing that would be different, was that my father had passed this year.
"How are you holding up?" I ask my mum, as a waitress comes over. "Good, thank you for asking." My mum says as she takes a deep breath.
After we got our coffee, and talked for a while. We went to tree farm. We were looking at the trees, when I heard some male voice.
"You sure you want this one?" The male voice asked. "Yes!" A little a girl yells happily.
I walk around the corner to see a tall male with black hair and a fit shape, (from what I can see). He was standing next to a little girl with little brown hair.
"Yes, princess." The man says as he bows to the little girl making her laugh. "Now, that's an handsome man, Draco." My mum says, with a wink.
I roll my eyes, I have been openly gay for about 4 years. I have been in one relationship, and he cheated on me. After that I haven't dated, and that was 3 years ago.
I go back to picking a tree, and trying to get the man out off my head. "I will be right back, dear." My mum says as she starts to walk off. I shrug my shoulders, and go back to looking at a tree.
"Well, if your asking me. The perfect tress are right here." A male voice says, and I look over to see the man I saw earlier. You got to be kidding me.
"Well, me and my son. Wanted to make sure, we were looking in the right spot." My mum says with a smile.
"Mum, let the man do what he was doing." I say as I look at my mum. "It's fine." The man says, and I look at him.
His eyes are an emerald green, and his smile is so gorgeous.
"I'm going to look for a tree." Mum says with a smile. I roll my eyes, of course she leaves to talk to shot guy.
"I think she is trying to set us up." The man says with a chuckle. "I think she is." I say with a chuckle.
"Well, what's your name?" He asks me. "Draco, Draco Malfoy." I say with a smile, "And you?" I ask.
"Harry, Harry Potter." Harry says. "Is your the father the one that passed this year?" Harry asks with an sorry face.
"Yeah. It's been hard this year." I say while trying to think of something. "My dad die last year. I understand how hard it is." He says as he looks down at the ground.
"He was the one that created this farm. The Potter family farm. In winter we sell Christmas trees, in the summer we sell flowers, fruits, and vegetables. He created three gardens. One for my mum, one for him, and one for me." He says as he looks around.
"Wow, I didn't realize this was the Potter farm." I say as I look around. "Yeah, sorry. I was thinking." He says after a few minutes.
"About?" I asks, I didn't realize we were walking until I look down at the ground.
"My dad created three gardens. My mum has her, and my had his. Now it's my time to pick what I want to do. I mean like plant. We're doing a big festival over it. And I have no idea what to do." He says as takes a deep breath.
"Well, I could help." I say with a smile. "That would be amazing." He says with a bright smile. I could feel my cheeks start to burn.
"What about we meet tomorrow. At.... The bean." He says with a smile. I nod my head, "I need to go find my mum. See you tomorrow." I says as I wave bye and walk off.
"Mum!" I say after I find her, and she turns around with a smile. "Well?" She asks.
"We're meeting at the bean tomorrow." I say with smile. "See I know the perfect men for my child." My mum says while flicking her hair back.

A months later

Me and Harry have gotten to know each other well. Tomorrow is the day where Harry is going to plant his first seed. Everyone in town is going to be there.
"Draco!" Harry says as he comes up behind me. "Tomorrow is the day." He says.
"Yeah, it is." I say with a smile. "Also... Mmm.... I'm going to ask my crushed out tomorrow as well, I was figuring I could do it at the party." He says while rubbing the back of his head.
I could feel my heart break. Of course he has a crush. "Oh, well I'm she says yes." I say with a smile.
"Yeah, me too." He says with a bright smile. "Oh, my mum needs. I just thought I would tell you." He says as he hugs me.
When I got home, I crashed in my mum's lap. "He bloody likes someone!" I yell, to be honest I was in tears. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry. But, it could be you." Mum says while going through my hair. I nod my head, it most likely won't be me though.
It's the next day, and everyone in town was here at Potter's farm. I wanted to leave so badly.
"Thank you everyone for coming. Today we are here for my son, Harry. Today is the day where he puts his seed in the ground. Just like me and his father." Mrs. Potter says with a smile. I see Harry walk to his mum.
"Thank you, mum." Harry says as he takes the mic from his mum. She smiles and comes stands by my mum.
"Today is the day where I put a seed into the ground. But, today is also the day I am telling the person I love that I'm in love with them. " Harry takes a deep breath, as he gets something out from his pocket.
"This Christmas Tree seed marks my mark. But this isn't the only reason why I'm planting this seed. One reason why, is because my father. He started this farm when I was only a few months old. Him and my mum worked hard, and I worked with them. He stood next to me, no matter what." He says as he looks around.
"The second reason, is because I met the love of my life with a Christmas tree. I wanted to mark the thing that helped me find them." He says as he looks down at the ground.
He stops and looks at his mum. She nod her head. He takes a deep breath.
"I would like for them to come up. So, can Draco please come up." He says with a smile. My face drops, I'm the crush.
I quickly walk to him, and he smiles at me. "I want to thank you, not for just helping me plan all of this or helping me find the right thing to plant. But, for showing the love that my parents had." Harry says as looks into my eyes. I just smile.
"So, will you, Draco Malfoy, be my boyfriend?" He asks with a soft smile. "Yes." I say thought thinking. He smiles with so much happiness.
I looked at the crowd and saw them all clapping. Our mums smile, and holding each others hands.
"KISS HIM, HARRY!" We both look to see who yelled that, and it was Harry's best friend.
I roll my eyes, until I feel an arm around my waist. I look to see it's Harry's hand. He pulls me in, and smiles. "May I kiss you?" He asks in his soft voice.
I nod my head. Next thing I know, is I feel a pair of lips on mine. They are soft and smooth. I kissed back, I was lost in the kiss.
When we pulled apart, me and Harry smile at each other. Everyone in crowd was clapping, and some were shouting. I look at the garden and remember, Harry still needs to plant his seed.
"Harry, you need to plant your seed." I say with a smile. He laughs and looks at the seed.
He holds it up, so everyone the seed. After a few minutes, Harry gets down on the ground. And plants bus seed.
Everyone is still clapping, more people are shouting, and some are crying (totally not me, and out mums).
Harry smiles at the ground, and stands up. He gives me one more kiss, before we leave so everyone can look at the one the planted seed.
Me, and Harry sat by. And hugged each other. I love this man, and I know he loves me.
"I guess we thank a Christmas Tree for bringing us together." Harry says, and I laugh. I guess we can thank a Christmas tree. I smile at the thought, and hug Harry closer.

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