Chapter 1: Trip and Fall

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Tadashi's POV

"A lot of sweet tech here today! How you feeling?" I flicked my cap upwards a bit as I looked around the showcase hall. Hiro walked proudly.
"You're talking to an ex-botfighter. It takes a lot more than this to rattle me."

I tuned out the gang as they encouraged a 'nervous' Hiro. I knew he wasn't nervous. I knew he could make it in. And I knew that I was proud of my little brother.

I walked over to the gang, tuning them back in to hear Fred finish his philosophy for laundry.

"Wow. That is both disgusting and awesome." I stated with a half-smile.

Then they called Hiro up for his presentation.
"Foto, foto!" Honey called in Spanish. She had ,at one point, taught me some of this beautiful language. We gathered into a group photo. "Everybody say Hiro!"

"Hiro!!" We all said in unison. The picture came out ok. Then it was time for him to take the stage.
"We love you Hiro!"
"Good luck!"
And with that the gang left to meet up with Aunt Cass.

"Alright, bro. This is it!"
He stood there, not responding.
"C'mon. Don't leave me hangin."
He seemed worried and a bit fearful.
"What's going on?"
"I really wanna go here."
"Hey, you got this."
He nodded and walked up onto the platform with the microphone.

" name is Hir---" he was interrupted by a high pitched squeal. He held the mic at the wrong angle.
"S-sorry. My name is Hiro Hamada. And I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool."
He reaches towards his pocket but stops himself. "I hope you like it." He reaches around again and pulls out a microbot.

"This is a microbot."

Someone walks away from the platform. He looks to me for encouragement. Breath. I gesture with my hands.

He nods and continues. "It doesn't look like much, but once it connects with the rest of its pals..."

The microbots head to the platform in an orderly fashion and shape themselves into a box. The gang and I walk over. A moderately tall young woman walks beside us to see what Hiro is up to. By accident, she trips over herself, falling in front of me. I stop and help her up. Then recognition hits me.
"Hey, I know you."
"Oh, you do? Well I'm sorry for falling...not used to heels," she gestures at her feet, which seem uncomfortable in those silver heels. She wore a blue dress that went to her knees and her long black hair pulled up into a bun. Her black eyes stood out against her pale skin. "What's your name? You did say you knew me."

"Ahh, I'm Tadashi. Tadashi Hamada."
"Morgan Halter. Your name does sound familiar. Are you in my robotics class by any chance?"

"Depends. What time is your class?"
"First hour."
"The professor really likes you."
"Does he?"
"Yea. He favors you as a student. Can't you tell? You do so well!"
"Thanks. I forgot, what did you do for your showcase again?"
"An advanced probe used to study Titan, one of the moons of Saturn."
"Oh yea! Now I remember. One of the ways was to add extra battery life and an extra heater."

"Well, how do you like my brother?" I stopped for a quick upside-down high five from Hiro.
"It's amazing!! Did you help?"
"Just with some programming. I didn't do much."
"Cool. He is so smart! How old is he? A year younger?"
"He's fourteen."
"Yea that's what I first thought. My little brother is six years younger than me and he's going to get into college."
"Oh wow."
"Amazing, huh. How his brain works. So sweet. If only he'd stop being so idiotic and shake things up a bit. Actually use that big brain of his."
"He's using it now."

"MICROBOTS!" Hiro finished his presentation. I ran up to him and we did our little handshake. Morgan followed me as I adjusted my hat. She wobbled due to her wearing heels.
"Everyone, meet Morgan." I introduced her to the gang and vice versa. She smiled and then said she had to go.

Hiro got his registration letter and then we began to leave.
"Aunt Cass, we'll catch up here in a minute."
"Ok. Oh, I'm so proud of you! Of both of you!!" She squeezed me and Hiro into a tight hug. Then I gestured for Hiro to follow me.

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