Chapter 6: Gone

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Tadashi's POV

"Yea. It's a long story, but she is--was--, I guess, the mother of Baymax. She helped me program him."
"Luz never told me any of this."
"She should've. It really was a fun story."
"Should've could've would've never makes a difference."
"So you wanna hear it or not?"
"Ok ok ok calm down!!"
"I'm listening."

She sat crisscross on her bunk and stared at me intently waiting for me to tell the story. And I did. I told her about the first time we met and the studying and the notebook and her being the first to see Baymax as a completed and successful robot.

She enjoyed every minute of it.
"Wow. That sounds so cool!! Why didn't she ever tell us about it?!"
"I don't know but you can't ask her anymore."

She sighed sadly. I rested my hand on her shoulder, causing her to wince because of the burns.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I withdrew my hand.

After an awkward silence moment, she spoke.
"What's going to happen to us? I mean, we're stuck here in who knows where without a lot of stuff."
"I know."
"Are there showers?"
"Yea. We passed some down the hall on the way to the room."
"Did he give us an extra pair of clothes?"
"No, but there is a box over there. I already checked it. It's got clothes but they are waaaayy to big for me, so their probably to big for you."
"Not for long! Is there a paper clip around here?"
"String of any sort?"
"In the box."
"Right over there."
"Awesome. Perfect. Give them to me."

I gathered her materials and she got straight to work sewing with a paper clip and some crocheting string. I was amazed at how fast she could work with the clothes. Pretty soon she had made me a t-shirt and made herself a short dress to put over the capris. We decided to keep the pants that we were wearing so she wouldn't have to go through this process anymore.

After she came out of the showers, we tried on our new clothes. She seemed more comfortable around me if she was changing, although she would still go hide behind the bunk when changing. Probably because I'm her doctor now.

"Ok. Now if I can just get these to work...." My voice trailed off as my concentration focused solely on the jetpack I was designing. If I could get us off this island, we'd be good.

Morgan had gone exploring. Then I remembered what Callaghan had said to me before our arriving in the bunk: I can't have you running around this place.

I now had fears for her safety. I stood and walked out the door, calling her name as I went along.

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