Chapter 2: Two Voices

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Tadashi's POV

I leaned against the railing as Hiro walked up behind me.
"I know what you're gonna say," he began to mock my voice,"I should be proud of myself for using my gift for something important."
"Nah, no. I was just gonna tell you your fly was down for the whole show."
"Ha-ha hilarious."
He checked to see that it was down for the whole show.
He zipped it up and then playfully elbowed my arm.
"Aha--ah." I gave a quick laugh.
"Welcome to nerd school...nerd."

He smirked. Then he spoke seriously.
"Hey I umm...I wouldn't be here if you umm..y-you know. Thanks for not giving up on me."
I nodded a your welcome.

Then came a sound I feared. The fire alarm. I had never been friends with fire so this brought a sinking feeling in my stomach. I ran to the showcase hall, Hiro following, to see it up in flames. I pushed forward, catching a woman who stumbled out of the building.
"Are you ok?!"
"Yea..b-but Professor Callaghan is still in there!"
She ran away from the building as quickly as possible. I had to help my professor. He was like a father to me. I ran towards the building. I saw something just before Hiro stopped me. A flash of blue and silver just before the door of the building closed. I pressed forward, only to be stopped by Hiro.
"Tadashi, NO!" He pleaded.
"Callaghan's in there," I looked at him understandingly. Giving him a reassuring look that I would come out alive. "Someone has to help."

And with that, I ran up the stairs, my hat falling off of my head. I pulled the door open and burst into the burning hall. It was smokey and searing hot.

"PROFESSOR CALLAGHAN!!!" My voice called into the flames. I heard a groan and looked up. A beam cracked and I raced to get out of its path.

Then I heard another voice.
It was a girl's voice. Then I heard that same voice scream. And then I heard the professor call out, "GET OUT OF HERE!! SAVE YOURSELVES!!"

I wasn't leaving my professor. But what about the girl? I decided to get the girl and then the professor. I raced in the direction of her voice. Then I saw her.

A young woman in a blue dress and silver heels, her black hair in a bun. Morgan. I raced to help her. I saw her problem: a burning beam had fallen, not onto her but just close enough to where she couldn't move. I called for help. Then they swarmed over our bodies. Microbots surrounded us in a shielding manner. Would we survive? What happened to the professor? Who was controlling the microbots?

I shielded Morgan with my body, making sure that if the microbots failed, I would protect her. The miniature machines had moved the beam away, showing that her legs had been badly singed. I cradled her head in my arms as an explosion louder than anything I had ever heard blew around us, but not harming us, thanks to the protection of the microbots. I felt them lift me and Morgan up and out of the building.

Microbots kept us safe, but smoke still had gotten to me. I fell unconscious alongside Morgan in the protection of my brother's bots.

Sorry, Aunt Cass, but I won't be home in time for dinner. Give Fred my share. And make sure Hiro stays inside after closing time.

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